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Avaliação do corretor binário da opção iq

Revisão de opção de QI - É estafa ou segura?



Informação básica.

IQ Option é um fornecedor de opções binárias, que oferece vários instrumentos de negociação e uma plataforma de negociação única. A empresa oferece contas de demonstração gratuitas, que a maioria dos corretores binários não tem.

Contas de Negociação.

Embora a opção IQ não ofereça vários tipos de contas, como muitas outras corretoras, eles possuem uma conta VIP disponível para aqueles que depositam mais de US $ 3.000. Vale ressaltar, a soma não deve ser depositada em uma única transação inicial (como é o caso mais frequente), mas todos os seus depósitos devem chegar a US $ 3000. A conta VIP concede-lhe porcentagens de pagamento ligeiramente melhores.

A empresa. Segurança dos Fundos.

A opção IQ é regulada pela Comissão de Câmbio e Câmbio de Chipre (CySEC), uma das poucas agências respeitáveis ​​que supervisiona as opções binárias. Isso aumenta bastante a sua credibilidade, especialmente quando comparado com o corretor de opções binário não regulamentado da maioria.

Caso você não conheça a regulamentação financeira é um fator chave da reputação de um corretor. Ao lidar com uma empresa não regulamentada, você está basicamente tomando sua palavra como a única garantia de que você já receberá seu dinheiro de volta. O CySEC, por outro lado, impõe muitas regras às empresas que supervisiona. Em termos de segurança dos fundos de clientes, dois destaques são os mais significativos: os fundos de clientes devem ser mantidos em contas segregadas e os corretores devem participar do esquema de compensação local.

As contas segregadas são um tipo especial de conta bancária, que o corretor não pode acessar livremente. Isso implica que eles podem pedir & rdquo; emprestar & rdquo; o dinheiro que você não está usando para negociação e gastá-lo em despesas da empresa. Além disso, o esquema de compensação é um conjunto coletivo ao qual todos os corretores contribuem com uma parcela de seus lucros. O fundo então serve para a finalidade de uma garantia, caso uma das corretoras se torne insolvente. Se você estiver negociando com opções binárias ou corretor forex, regulamentado pela CySEC, seu dinheiro é seguro (contra a falência) para um limite de & euro; 20,000.

Um dos vários aspectos únicos da IQ Option é a adição de torneios. Estes são eventos em que os participantes colocam uma quantidade predeterminada igual em frente e, em seguida, competem uns contra os outros. Os torneios têm um tempo fixo e de início fixo. Uma nova conta de torneio, com um $ 100 virtual é criado para cada participante. Cada candidato negocia, com base em sua própria estratégia e no final do torneio, os ganhadores de topo são premiados. As taxas de entrada no torneio atualmente variam de US $ 1 a US $ 20, o que significa que basicamente qualquer um pode experimentá-los. Tenha em mente que o comércio desses eventos é muito agressivo e não recomendamos fazer o mesmo com opções regulares.

Na parte negativa, existem várias avaliações negativas desta empresa em vários fóruns online. Embora não possamos confirmar nem negar sua credibilidade, o fato de eles existir é preocupante. As queixas variam de má execução para retiradas lentas (ou mesmo inexistentes), que são problemas sérios.

Condições de Negociação.

Opções de negociação: Binary (Call / Put), opções digitais, Forex e CFD *

Ativos: Moedas, estoques, índices, criptografia.

* Os modos de negociação Forex e CFD são uma mistura entre opções binárias e negociação no local. Eles podem parecer difíceis de descobrir, no início, mas fornecem uma alternativa interessante. Por sorte, IQ Option fornece um tutorial em vídeo.

Depósito Inicial Mínimo.

O depósito mínimo na opção IQ é de apenas US $ 10. Isso é muito baixo, mesmo quando comparado com os níveis mais baixos exigidos pelos corretores forex. Dito isto, alguns deles, como os pioneiros da indústria regulada pela FCA na IG, não exigem um depósito mínimo.

O tamanho da aposta mínima na opção IQ é de US $ 1. Isso é basicamente tão baixo quanto qualquer pessoa vai na indústria de opções binárias. Esta é uma boa política em termos de gestão de riscos, que também é oferecida pela Grand Capital.

O nível de pagamento na opção IQ é 87% para as opções binárias mais básicas. Isso é um pouco maior do que o que outros corretores oferecem. Como comparação, Grand Capital geralmente oferece 86%. Com opções digitais, dependendo do nível de preço que se deseja negociar, o pagamento pode atingir até 900%. No entanto, para que isso aconteça, a previsão terá que ser bastante improvável.

Plataforma de negociação.

IQ Option tem sua própria plataforma de negociação proprietária, o que é bastante bom. Eles têm versões de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, bem como um aplicativo de área de trabalho independente, que a maioria dos corretores binários não fornecem (ao contrário da maioria dos corretores de Forex, que dependem do MetaTrader4). Ter a capacidade de abrir a plataforma separadamente do seu navegador pode revelar-se inestimável, se você não estiver executando com um ótimo hardware ou gostaria de abrir múltiplas guias. Dito isto, a plataforma se sente muito suave, especialmente quando se faz zoom e deslocamento das cartas (com a roda do mouse). Aqui está uma pré-visualização:

O design é bastante minimalista, com todas as opções disponíveis através de menus adicionais. Alguns indicadores técnicos também estão disponíveis, embora a lista não seja tão extensa quanto a oferecida pela maioria dos corretores forex. Os gráficos de castiçal estão disponíveis, o que pode ser dito para todos os provedores de opções binárias.

Métodos de pagamento.

Os métodos de pagamento na opção IQ incluem Cartões de Crédito / Débito, Skrill, Neteller, Giropay, Sofort e & ldquo; muitos mais & rdquo ;. Não temos certeza sobre a perda total de carteiras eletrônicas, mas essas parecem cobrir as mais populares.


IQ Option é um fornecedor de opções binárias regulamentadas CySEC. A empresa oferece seus serviços através de uma plataforma proprietária, o que parece melhor que muitos dos oferecidos pelos concorrentes. Os tipos de opções interessantes, como os digitais, estão disponíveis. Os torneios também são uma ótima adição, que alguns clientes podem desfrutar. Contas de demonstração ilimitadas e gratuitas estão disponíveis, o que é uma raridade no mundo das opções binárias. Aqui estão as opções de QI, prós e contras:

A Grand Capital (grandcapital) é uma corretora de opções binárias premiada, oferecendo a negociação de ativos mais populares na plataforma MetaTrader 4, amplamente utilizada, em boas condições de negociação.

24Option é provavelmente o maior e mais respeitável corretor de opções binárias. É regulamentado pela CySec e todos os depósitos de clientes até 20 000 euros são garantidos pelo Sistema de Compensação de Serviços Financeiros (FSCS). 24Option oferece bônus de 100% no depósito.


Alimentação de preço.

Depósito / Retirar.

Serviço ao cliente.

Opiniões dos comerciantes para a opção IQ.

Forex Industry News.

Últimos corretores forex.

O comércio de Forex tem um alto nível de risco e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores. Antes de se engajar na negociação de câmbio, conheça suas especificidades e todos os riscos associados a ela. Todas as informações sobre ForexBrokerz só são publicadas para fins de informação geral. Não apresentamos nenhuma garantia para a precisão e confiabilidade desta informação. Qualquer ação que você tome sobre as informações que você encontra neste site é estritamente sob seu próprio risco e não seremos responsáveis ​​por quaisquer perdas e / ou danos relacionados com o uso do nosso site.

Todo o conteúdo textual no ForexBrokerz é protegido por direitos autorais e protegido por lei de propriedade intelectual. Você não pode reproduzir, distribuir, publicar ou transmitir qualquer parte do site sem nos indicar como fonte. O ForexBrokerz não reivindica direitos autorais sobre as imagens usadas no site, incluindo logotipos de corretores, imagens de estoque e ilustrações.

O site Forexbrokerz usa cookies. Ao continuar a navegar no site, você concorda com o uso de cookies. Leia nossa política de privacidade.

Inspeção Scam | IQ Option Scam Broker?

RESUMO: Sendo um dos maiores corretores de opções binárias do mundo, o IQ Option é um corretor de escolha para muitos comerciantes satisfeitos. Graças a um depósito mínimo de apenas US $ 10 e um investimento mínimo de US $ 1, também é o corretor mais acessível. Todas as operações de negociação e transações realizadas pela IQ Option são reguladas por várias instituições interessantes, incluindo o regulamento CySEC com número de licença 247/14, garantindo um ambiente seguro e justo para todos os comerciantes. IQ Option é um corretor perfeitamente seguro e seguro para trocar, e você pode até testar a plataforma com uma conta demo sem fornecer as informações do seu cartão de crédito.

IQ Option Binary Options Broker está se tornando uma plataforma bem conhecida em todo o mundo hoje em dia. Mais e mais comerciantes preferem esta plataforma particular para negociar opções binárias. Mas existe o risco de que IQ Option pareça ser qualquer tipo de fraude? É bastante fácil revelar isso, mas hoje em dia também é tão fácil de enganar, pois existem vários corretores diferentes e muitos comerciantes inexperientes. Scammers estão, infelizmente, presentes no mercado e cada corretor deve ser verificado cuidadosamente antes de qualquer passo em direção ao depósito. Por isso, é vital realizar uma inspeção de fraude da opção IQ.

Inspeção Scam Option IQ | História e Plataforma de Negociação.

Em primeiro lugar, os corretores de fraudes podem ser facilmente detectados por fatos de sua história, às vezes não há histórico. O IQ Option foi apresentado no mercado em 2013, a Rússia foi a primeira a ver e usar a plataforma, e entre os comerciantes russos rapidamente ganhou uma forte reputação e também se tornou popular em um curto período de tempo. Isso permitiu a opção IQ para se desenvolver e se espalhar ainda mais, logo se tornou conhecido em países europeus, China, América e assim por diante. Também há uma coisa importante neste tópico da inspeção de inspeção do IQ Option: muito logo após a plataforma ter sido revelada, os desenvolvedores forneceram aplicativos para iOS e Android. Esse esforço para tornar a plataforma mais acessível para todos sugere que os desenvolvedores se preocupem com cada cliente que decidiu confiar na opção IQ. Mas não tome apenas a nossa palavra, visite seu site e veja por si mesmo.

Teste seu suporte ao cliente, converse com eles por meio de bate-papo ao vivo ou até mesmo do Skype, pergunte o que lhe interessa por e-mail ou formulários da web e veja quão rápido e quão boas serão as respostas. Você pode até mesmo abrir uma conta de demonstração com eles, o que é, tanto quanto sabemos, um dos melhores do negócio - pode ser usado indefinidamente e nem exige um depósito! Estes são provavelmente alguns dos métodos mais importantes de pesquisa de um corretor e estamos muito satisfeitos com seus resultados. No mínimo, podemos dizer que a inspeção histórica do scam da opção IQ foi muito boa.

IQ Option Awards.

Inspeção Scam Option IQ | Reputação internacional.

Especialistas internacionais já valoraram a opção de QI altamente suficiente. Em 2013, a plataforma foi nomeada como a corretora de opções binárias mais inovadoras, pois fornece formas fáceis de negociação que foram mesmo chamadas revolucionárias pelo Relatório Forex. O ano de 2014 trouxe a plataforma o nome do corretor de opções binário mais confiável, os especialistas são altamente confiáveis ​​- aqueles da academia MasterForex-V. Com o seu design colorido e muitos acessórios úteis, a plataforma é igualmente bem aceita tanto por principiantes como por comerciantes especializados, pois fornece uma maneira de negociação clara e rápida e praticamente qualquer pessoa pode aprender a usá-lo. Deve-se dizer que a plataforma é proprietária, o que não é comum neste negócio, mas isso não é mais complicado. Pelo contrário, todos os recursos oferecidos são conhecidos globalmente, de modo que ninguém terá que perder tempo investigando novos mercados e se familiarizando com novas empresas. Aqui, obviamente, nosso detector de fraude da opção IQ diz que também passa como corretor seguro e você pode aprender mais se você for a nossa análise da Plataforma de login e negociação da opção IQ.

IQ Option Trading Platform 4.0.

Inspeção Scam Option IQ | Forma de pagamento.

Embora o seu depósito mínimo e o comércio mínimo sejam excepcionalmente baixos, que é uma das características mais importantes do corretor, a opção IQ pratica uma política de pagamento bastante rígida que inclui o seguro obrigatório de cada conta de cliente em um Banco Europeu. Isso é devido à licença CySeC. Eles abordam todas as transações com muito cuidado, têm regras que explicam todas as situações até o menor detalhe e geralmente são muito graves e profissionais. Os clientes apanharam isso e você pode encontrar numerosos comentários positivos e comentários sobre esse corretor. Afinal, eles receberam muitos prêmios nos últimos anos e isso diz muito. Obviamente, há alguns comentários negativos, também, mas você descobrirá que eles são provenientes de pessoas que perderam dinheiro com seus próprios erros e estão apenas procurando por alguém culpado. Tudo isso nos garante que esta inspeção de scam da opção IQ vai mais do que muito bem. E, como dissemos anteriormente, você sempre tem a opção de testar tudo para si mesmo se você abrir sua Conta de Demonstração de Opções do IQ. É completamente gratuito e você ganhou nem tem que deixar qualquer informação financeira!

Inspeção Scam Option IQ | Retirada.

O momento muito exponencial e significativo na inspeção IQ Option scam é a questão da retirada de fundos, pois mostra com que facilidade você pode - ou não pode - receber seu próprio dinheiro. A retirada pode ser realizada de diferentes maneiras, dependendo das preferências do cliente. Webmoney, QIWI, Skrill, Neteller estão disponíveis, bem como Visa e Mastercard. O comerciante precisa preencher e enviar um pedido, já que geralmente leva alguns momentos, o que é importante para os comerciantes ocupados e ocupados. Todas as retiradas serão processadas dentro de um dia útil. A facilidade com que qualquer um pode retirar seu dinheiro mostra a confiabilidade da plataforma. Além disso, se um comerciante tiver problemas, eles sempre podem se referir à equipe de suporte da IQ Option e receber uma consulta completa. Analisamos o processo de retirada para um grande detalhe em nossa Revisão de Retirada de Opções de QI, que pode ser mais útil para você se quiser pesquisar mais esse tópico.

Inspeção Scam Option IQ | Conclusão.

Por causa de tudo o que podemos dizer, o exame de insuficiência do IQ Option foi bem e a plataforma pode ser recomendada aos comerciantes que apreciam segurança e honestidade. Este é um corretor que valoriza muito seus clientes e proporcionará um excelente serviço para eles. Eles são absolutamente confiáveis ​​e seguros, têm muita experiência e oferecem algumas características únicas. Você pode testá-los completamente, graças à sua conta demo sem limitações, e a equipe de suporte é rápida de responder através de todos os meios habituais de comunicação. Ambos os comerciantes novatos e os mais experimentados certamente encontrarão algo que se adequa a eles e se você estiver procurando por um novo corretor, a opção IQ é certamente uma ótima escolha.

Opção IQ | Visualização do site ao vivo.

Oi. Gostaria de dar aos meus filhos um presente de Bitcoin. Como eu tenho uma conta aqui, posso usar esse para fazer três depósitos separados que eles poderiam usar de forma independente. Ou precisarei iniciar três contas separadas?

Olá Pete. Você pode esclarecer um pouco? Você quer saber se você pode fazer três depósitos separados no mesmo saldo da conta para que eles possam ser usados ​​separadamente? Tenho medo de que não funcione desse jeito. Se eu entendi você corretamente, abrir três contas diferentes parece muito mais fácil.

Basta clicar no botão na parte inferior do artigo e se inscrever.

Abri uma conta com a opção IQ, mas lê que eu deveria verificar minha conta e não sei como posso fazê-lo - por favor, ajude, o que posso fazer? Se a minha conta não for verificada, não poderei negociar com este corretor?

Desde que eu abri uma conta com esse corretor, eu nunca recebi nenhuma ligação deles, isso significa que eu cometi um erro enquanto eu abri a conta que os impediu de me ligar e confirmar que eu fiz isso?

Por favor responda minha pergunta. Obrigado!

Olá John, obrigado pelas perguntas 🙂

A verificação da conta é um processo que você precisa concluir para poder fazer uma retirada. Para fazer isso, você precisa enviar uma cópia de algum tipo de identificação com foto emitida pelo governo, uma prova de seu endereço (uma conta de utilidade ou um extrato bancário) e uma cópia do cartão que você usou, se de fato você usou isso Método para depositar.

Quanto à chamada, eu não sei sobre isso, mas você pode entrar em contato com a empresa e marcar uma ligação, eu acho. Espero que tudo isso ajude 🙂 Você tem outras perguntas?

Oi, comentário muito interessante sobre a opção IQ. Tenho alguma experiência na negociação forex e estou interessado em iniciar o IQ Option for living. Você pode me responder o seguinte ou qual é a melhor maneira para mim?

1. Quero começar a depositar meu cartão Visa de Débito (que aceitou internacionalmente online).

2. Vou retirar para o meu cartão de débito o mesmo valor que depositou através do cartão Visa de débito.

3. Se eu usar Skrill para retirada adicional para gastos de subsistência. Está bem?

4. Você tem alguma outra sugestão, por favor?

Tudo isso parece muito bom para mim, mas eu recomendaria que você use o Skrill (ou qualquer outra carteira eletrônica) tanto quanto você pode, porque as taxas são muito menores dessa maneira. Claro, o seu cartão de débito Visa deve ser bom, mas, como você disse, você precisará retirar o valor que você depositou antes de retirar o lucro através de outro método.

Eu também posso apontar você para a nossa página de estratégia (binaryoptionstrading-review / binário-opções-estratégia /) se você precisar de algum material educacional.

Caso contrário, basta clicar no botão no final do artigo aqui e você será levado para a tela de criação da conta.

Você tem mais perguntas? Por favor, não hesite em perguntar 🙂

Sou Hong Kong, é legal?

Sim, claro. IQ Option funciona com comerciantes de Hong Kong e todos os métodos de pagamento, incluindo Skrill, devem estar disponíveis para você. Outras opções de e-wallet incluem Neteller e Webmoney.

Se eu investir por 1 dólar, então, como obterá lucro ou quanta perda.

Depende do bem. Seu lucro pode ascender a cerca de 90%, então quanto mais você investe, mais você pode ganhar. Então, é tudo sobre encontrar o equilíbrio que melhor se adequa a você. Você ainda fez um depósito?

A opção iq é legel na Índia?

Sim absolutamente! Basta abrir uma conta através do link na parte inferior deste artigo e você estará tudo pronto!

É possível usar a opção iq na África do Sul.

sim, claro. basta usar o link na parte inferior do nosso artigo para se inscrever e você estará pronto em nenhum momento!

Você precisará adicionar uma carteira eletrônica para poder retirar os lucros. Você só poderá retirar o valor de vencimento do depósito que você fez na sua conta do cartão de crédito.

Exemplo: deposite US $ 100 e # 8211; Ganhe lucro US $ 50 = saldo da conta US $ 150. Primeiro você precisa retirar seu depósito.

Então, se você deseja retirar seu lucro de US $ 50, PRECISA fazer uma retirada na sua conta do cartão de crédito! Somente depois de fazer uma retirada da maturidade completa de US $ 100 em sua conta de cartão de crédito, você poderá (e depois só poderá usar isso) em sua carteira eletrônica.

Depois de retirar seu capital de vencimento de US $ 100, só existe uma transferência para a carteira eletrônica. Depois disso, todos os outros levantamentos na sua conta do cartão de crédito não serão executados.

Como carteira eletrônica, eu recomendo o uso da SKRILL porque também estão oferecendo uma opção bitcoin para transferências de dinheiro.

SKRILL é usado para lidar melhor com o problema filipino de não ter identificação oficial oficial. Minha namorada abriu uma conta SKRILL e usou o ID do eleitor para o processo de verificação. Tudo correu bem.

A NETELLER fez muitos problemas com a verificação da conta, embora a SKRILL pertence à empresa NETELLER.

NETELLER tem um problema com os vários IDs de Filipinas diferentes. Muitas vezes, eles não estão preparados para resolver esse problema.

Verifique primeiro todos os métodos de transferência de dinheiro. Uma vez verificado pela opção IQ, não haverá mais problemas com as retiradas. Primeiro o KYC & # 8211; verificação.

É o mesmo procedimento, como nas Filipinas & # 8211; primeiro você precisa prosseguir sua verificação KYC para abrir uma conta bancária & # 8211; Conta PayMaya & # 8211; Conta GCash. & # 8211; conta coins. ph. Depois disso tudo está funcionando bem.

Ao enviar Filipo PESO PhP pelo seu cartão de crédito, você sempre tem que lembrar que a taxa de troca da transferência de dinheiro de PhP para USD é de cerca de 4%.

Então, para fazer um depósito de US $ 100 da sua conta PayMaya PESO usando a opção de cartão de crédito, você custa cerca de US $ 104. Se a taxa de câmbio for PhP50 / 1 USD, significa que você precisará de um saldo total em torno de PhP5.200.

Para abrir uma conta de coins. ph ajuda a transferir o dinheiro de SKRILL para coins. ph usando o BITCOIN. Todo o processamento custará cerca de 10% do valor transferido original. Então, se você estivesse procedendo à retirada de US $ 50 para a sua conta de moedas. ph, haverá uma restrição em torno de US $ 45.

Mas, portanto, a negociação é possível sem usar qualquer conta bancária (para somas menores & # 8211; coins. ph permite apenas um saldo máximo de PhP400,000 / ano).

Oi, eu só quero perguntar .. I & # 8217; m das Filipinas e eu tenho um débito / mastercard ... eu poderia usar esse cartão para financiar minha conta e começar a negociar?

Olá john! Sim, o MasterCard deve estar bem. Apenas não esqueça que você precisa de uma cópia do cartão para completar o processo de verificação 🙂

Eu sou de Filipinas, eu tenho uma taxa de cartão de débito (VISA) é PESO. será que vai dar certo? para depósito e retirada ou preciso abrir uma conta em dólar.

Olá! Eu acho que você deveria estar bem porque a moeda deveria ser trocada automaticamente. Você tem tudo o que precisa para verificar sua conta?

Sim eu quero. Obrigado! em relação à taxa de câmbio? Devo seguir a taxa de câmbio aqui em nosso país no depósito de dinheiro.

Como eu disse, acho que o dinheiro será trocado automaticamente de acordo com a taxa internacional atual. Mas ter informações extras nunca dói, então fique atento à situação 🙂

Você também deve ler o meu comentário sobre a abertura de uma carteira eletrônica.

Sobre o cartão Visa. Você deve considerar o quanto o seu Emissor do Cartão Visa está cobrando para troca de moeda.

O meu cartão Visa é da Alemanha e eles cobram 1,75% pela troca de EUR para qualquer outra moeda.

A taxa de câmbio que o cartão Visa está usando é menor do que a taxa de câmbio oficial. Então, você só pode calcular um valor estimado.

Exemplo: eu quero depositar USD100 e # 8211; Inclusive a taxa de câmbio custa-me USD101.75. Se a taxa de câmbio for 1.195USD / 1 EUR, estou usando 1.185 para ter certeza de que o valor na minha conta Visa Card é suficiente. USD101.75 / 1.185 USD / EUR significa que eu preciso de um valor em torno de EUR 85.87 = EUR86 na minha conta.

Conta do cartão Visa PhP: Por exemplo, a taxa de troca do seu provedor Visa Card pode ser de 2,5%. Você precisa de um valor de USD102.5. A taxa de câmbio de Php50.5 / 1 USD. Para estar seguro com o valor da sua conta, eu usaria 49PhP / 1 USD. O valor a ser depositado na conta do cartão Visa PhP deve ser em torno de PhP5,023 significa que você precisará = PhP5,050 em sua conta do cartão Visa.

Fui contactado por Instagram com uma oportunidade de alguém e eles usam sua plataforma ... $ 500 é o pedido e 6000 é o retorno com 10%. Isso parece legítimo de seus corretores?

Olá Dre. Por favor, note que esta não é a nossa plataforma. Nós simplesmente o revisamos e não faz parte da opção IQ.

Essa pessoa que entrou em contato com você se apresentou? Eles são um representante oficial da IQ Option?

Talvez você possa me dizer como fazer uma transferência bancária ou Skrill para que eu possa depositar o mais rápido possível.

Basta dirigir-se ao seu banco e fazer um depósito na conta fornecida pelo corretor. Eu acho que na seção de depósito da sua conta quando você efetua login em sua conta de opção de IQ. Você ainda criou um?

Oi, sou do Reino Unido e gostaria de me juntar, mas não sei muito sobre negociação. Você orienta e apoia para ganhar experiência?

Além disso, eu só tenho PayPal. Para o Reino Unido, quais outras opções de contas eu poderia ter?

Olá Abby! Se você quiser saber sobre negociação, você pode verificar nossa seção Estratégia (binaryoptionstrading-review / binário-opções-estratégia /). Temos muitos artigos educativos lá.

Você pode explicar o que você quer dizer com & # 8220; opções de conta & # 8221 ;?

Oi, eu sou um pouco pakistan eu tenho pouco medo de depositar dinheiro como eu não tenho muito, então apenas dê uma pequena ajuda para satrt e eu não entendo as contas para abrir como eu vou fazer essa ajuda.

Bem, com a opção IQ, você não precisa investir muito. Você pode começar a negociar com apenas 10 dólares. Quais métodos de depósito você tem acesso?

Eu não conheço qual método prefere? e gentilmente sem me link para vedios para iniciantes & # 8230 ;.

Bem, talvez um cartão de crédito ou débito seja o caminho mais rápido. Mas você também pode usar uma transferência bancária ou Skrill & # 8230; Qual desses métodos você tem?

I & # 8217; m de Dubai graças à opção de QI, realmente foi bom. Eu depositei $ 400 de desejo. Eu quero mudar meus móveis em casa. Acabei de receber meu pagamento de US $ 1000. Muito obrigado, vou investir mais até o final do mês.

Oi I & # 8217; m Leah das filipinas e acabei de começar hoje! Eu registrei opções de QI e eu preciso ter uma conta real e isso é dólar. Eu tenho uma conta bancária, mas não sei como abrir uma conta no QI. E mais uma coisa se eu investir um mínimo de 10 $ como posso ganhar e como posso expandi-lo! Agradeço se você pudesse me ajudar com esse assunto.

Muito obrigado.

Olá, Leah! Para começar a negociar com este corretor, basta clicar no botão laranja na parte inferior deste artigo e você será levado para a página onde você pode criar sua conta de negociação.

Se você investir US $ 10, você ganha dinheiro fazendo negociações bem-sucedidas porque cada previsão correta traz lucro. Quando você deseja retirar dinheiro, tudo o que você precisa fazer é preencher um formulário de solicitação de retirada no site do corretor e enviá-lo e o processo de retirada será iniciado.

Posso ajudá-lo com mais alguma coisa?

e se eu não tiver cartão de crédito? sou das Filipinas.

Você tem Skrill ou talvez uma conta bancária para realizar uma transferência bancária?

nessa conta online POLI, WebMoney, Skrill e Neteller, qual é o melhor e fácil de abrir, como sou do Paquistão. Muito obrigado.

Basicamente, é mesmo o mesmo, muitos comerciantes do Paquistão preferem Skrill ou Neteller, mas sempre depende de você qual você prefere.

Existe mais alguma coisa com que eu possa ajudá-lo?

Eu sou do Paquistão, eu gostaria de saber que o procedimento para obter dinheiro com lucros da negociação de opções de QI na minha mão tão gentilmente me ajuda em detalhes completos incluindo as partes que envolvem isso. Muito obrigado.

Se eu abrir minha conta no Skrill ou em qualquer outra conta, então, como eu posso tirar dinheiro do skrill.

Para retirar, tudo o que você precisa fazer é clicar em Retirar fundos. Uma lista de ícones grandes de métodos de retirada disponíveis aparecerá. Escolha simplesmente o que mais lhe convier, insira o valor e outras informações, e clique em "Retirar fundos" e # 8221 ;. O seu pedido será tratado dentro de 24 horas.

Estou prestes a começar a negociar com você, sou da Tanzânia, este país está permitido? se não o que acontecerá com o meu dinheiro em que investirei?

Olá Tony! Sim, a IQ Option aceita comerciantes da Tanzânia. Basta clicar no botão laranja na parte inferior do artigo (o que diz ABERTO COMPRA DE NEGOCIAÇÃO GRATUITA AGORA!) E você poderá começar a negociar imediatamente!

Isso funcionará no Nepal?

Deveria, tanto quanto eu sei. você trocou opções binárias antes?

Olá. É válido se eu usei cartão de débito de visto do nosso país (Filipinas) para depositar e retirar? Levará quantos dias a ser processado. Eu também tenho espreitadela. O que eu usaria em vez disso? Obrigado.

Sim, claro, você pode usar este cartão se for internacional e válido para compras na Internet. Além disso, Skrill também deveria estar bem. Você tem outros métodos em mente?

Geralmente, leva alguns dias para que as transferências bancárias se tornem visíveis no saldo da sua conta.

Eu tenho uma conta ... com depósito de 50 $ .. Ganhe lucro de 300 $ depois de uma hora .. agora posso retirar 350 $ da minha conta, se sim, quantos dias leva para processar.

você poderá retirar esses 50 $ da mesma maneira que você os depositou, mas precisará escolher outro método para retirar o lucro. Seu pedido deve ser processado em alguns dias.

Você tem uma conta Skrill ou algo assim?

Ei. Depito 1000 dólares e recebo 5000 dólares. Posso retirar apenas 4000 dólares (lucro) no mesmo dia, obtenho esse lucro?

E quais são os requisitos de retirada (lucro)?

não há requisitos mínimos de retirada, se isso for o que você quer dizer. A retirada máxima é de 1.000.000 de dólares por dia.

você deve retirar, mas pode demorar um ou dois dias para que seu pedido seja processado. Qual método você está usando?

O método de retirada e depósitos é o mesmo.

sim, você deve ter as mesmas escolhas. É isso que você quer dizer?

Uma vez que, eu sou um Sri Lanka, a prova que tenho de enviar nas retiradas é apenas o meu cartão de identificação nacional e está impresso na língua nacional de nosso país Sinhala. Será um problema para retirar meus fundos no final? Porque ainda não tenho meu passaporte ou licença de condução.

Além disso, preciso saber se eu posso usar meu cartão de débito bancário para receber fundos em retiradas, em vez de usar um cartão de crédito?

Você tem / você pode obter um extrato bancário? isso deveria ser suficiente.

Oi, posso usar o visto do cartão de débito atm para depositar?

Certamente, você pode usar este cartão se for internacional e válido para compras na Internet.

Quanto você estava pensando em depositar?

Por favor, como posso fazer meu depósito da minha conta Naira na Nigéria. Parece que os cartões de débito de visto não estão passando.

um e-wallet pode ser a solução certa. você tem um?

Eu quero saber se pagando porque eu Info que não paga?

você pode esclarecer? você não precisa pagar por uma conta de demonstração, se isso for o que você quer dizer. Caso contrário, 10 $ é o depósito mínimo desta empresa.

Você não tem um código de bonas.

Não, eu não acho que os corretores de opções binárias os dão. No entanto, podemos fornecer sinais gratuitos se você se juntar ao nosso Binary Winners Club (binaryoptionstrading-review / binary-winners-club-registration /)

Estou ansioso para vê-lo lá!

Como base da Nigéria, posso negociar com a opção IQ e posso fazer depósito com o A / C do meu banco e retirar com ele ou eu preciso de uma conta especial para isso.

Eu não acho que você precisa de uma conta especial para retirar dinheiro.

Posso ir ao site do corretor aqui nas Filipinas?

Existe um seminário no site?

Sim, acho que você deve acessar o site sem problemas. Quanto aos materiais educacionais, existem tutoriais em vídeo disponíveis. não tenho certeza sobre os seminários, porém, é possível que eles os configure de vez em quando.

Isso requer cartão de crédito?

você pode depositar com cartão de crédito, sim, ou através de algum sistema de transferência on-line que esta empresa ofereça. claro, os fios do banco também são uma opção.

ou você está perguntando sobre o acesso aos materiais educacionais pagando?

Posso trocar com IQ Option na Tanzânia?

Eu acho que você pode, mas verifique com o corretor para ter certeza.

No Bangladesh, eu começar a comercializar? Eu tenho o cartão mestre do payoneer. Posso aproveitar o lucro com isso?

Eu acho que deveria estar bem, mas verifique primeiro com o corretor.

Isso funcionará nas Filipinas?

sim, acredito que sim. Se você precisar de mais informações, entre em contato com o suporte do corretor no seu site.

para o qual esta aplicação é usada.

a solicitação de retirada? Isso é usado quando você deseja fazer uma retirada. Você fornece ao corretor os dados necessários para que o processo avance sem problemas.

Oi. Tenho um problema ao pagar a conta de 10 dólares. Os botões do teclado não aparecem quando eu clicar no método de pagamento, portanto eu não consigo inserir o número do meu cartão.

você contatou a equipe de suporte sobre isso?

Posso começar a operar nos Emirados Árabes Unidos.

Eu acho que você não deveria ter problemas com o comércio lá.

Esta plataforma também funciona na Índia.

Eu acho que sim. Mas verifique com o suporte ao cliente do corretor, apenas para ter certeza.

Posso trocar o QI da vida real na Nigéria e, se sim, quais são os requisitos?

Eu acho que os requisitos são praticamente os mesmos em todos os lugares & # 8211; depósito mínimo de US $ 10. Quanto ao seu país, você deve ir ao site do corretor e verificar, mas acho que você deve negociar.

Quanto se pode retirar de cada vez? Ou em um mês, por favor?

Você pode retirar até US $ 1.000.000 por dia e não há restrições sobre o número de retiradas. Qual método você estava planejando usar?

Os cidadãos indonésios podem participar na negociação na iqoption?

Onde está o centro da empresa de corretagem iqoption?

Sim, os comerciantes da Indonésia devem ser capazes de negociar.

Sua sede está em Limassol, Chipre. por que você pergunta? você precisa contatá-los?

é possível ganhar dinheiro com a negociação on-line?

claro que é. No entanto, você pode simplesmente entrar em cegamente. Uma estratégia sólida é necessária primeiro e você pode se educar sobre o assunto em nossa guia Estratégia (binaryoptionstrading-review / binário-opções-estratégia /).

Além disso, você pode obter sinais gratuitos de nós se você se inscrever com o nosso Binary Winners Club (binaryoptionstrading-review / binary-winners-club-registration /), o que significa que você obtém algumas dicas muito úteis de nossos especialistas em negociação. Com isso, você deve estar a caminho do lucro.

Oi, posso usar um cartão de débito para depositar da África do Sul.

claro. Qual cartão de débito você estava planejando usar?

OHHH e eu esqueci de dizer, a opção iq é regulada pela CYSEC, então, de forma normal, não deve haver problemas. é difícil escolher o bom corretor de opção binária sem ter medo de nunca mais ver nosso dinheiro sem perder isso em um comércio. ultima coisa, pessoas que perdem dinheiro em negociações, não se queixam de si mesmas porque é o risco de não ser forçado a ser o corretor cita o problema, mas talvez suas estratégias e a segurança que você não tem por trás da sua estratégia.

concordou que você parece um comerciante experiente. você já negociou com QI por muito tempo?

Qualquer um conhece o produto da opção iq no mercado.

você pode esclarecer sua pergunta um pouco?

IQ Option é um corretor de opções binárias, um dos melhores do mundo. Qual o produto que você quer dizer?

Like I said elsewhere, we do not represent IQ Option in any way. We are just reviewers. But I think South African traders are accepted by IQ Option. Check on their website to be sure.

Can Nigérians be opportune to trade on this Platform?

Not sure, but I think they can. Try checking their website.

sim. I am a Cameroonian and i am trading in the platform.

thank you for the info. Everything going ok for you? 🙂

Can I have your contact pls…am. in Cameroon.

Is this Platform for Nigérians toi?

Sim. Just make sure you have the right deposit method at your disposal. How do you want to start trading here?

Are you allowed to accept US clients? And do you have a satellite office in US ?

We do not represent IQ Option in any way, so you should look for that information on the broker’s website.

Pls can u trade in Africa Nigeria to b precise? Pls reply me.

Yes, Moses, you should be able to trade in Nigeria. How much are you looking to invest?

im in Tanzania East Africa, i want to make a deposit and start trading. is it possible in my country?

you should try to find that piece of information on the broker’s website. maybe ask their support team about that.

If you can deposit via one of the methods they accept, then I don’t see a problem, but check with the company to be sure.

is it available in the philippines?

like i said to Steffan, just above you, check on the broker’s website 🙂

I am a newbie in here and a Filipino. Once I’d visited the site and seen Philippines is included in the trade. There are 120 active countries participating.

Thank you for that info. Do you have an account with IQ Option, too?

Will the ‘IQ option’ work with Nigerians?

Sim & # 8230; I am in Nigeria.. It works.. I’m using a real account.

Thanks for confirming that. How are things working out for you?

Please how did you make your deposit from Nigeria. It seems the debit cards are not working?

Im from the Philippines im interested to open an account do IQ Option allow traders as well?

I recommend you check that with the broker directly, via their customer support on their website.

I’m a student and I’m away from home I wanna know if I can use my bank statement to serve as proof of address?

do you have an ID to go along with it?

IQ option trading is scam site? pls reply.

No, IQ Option is one of the very best companies when it comes to binary options trading. They also have a CySEC license, which proves they are reliable. Why do you ask about IQ Option being a scam?

I have noticed that IQOption does not make top ten. I hear that many people have complained about the platform.

Usually you need a government-issued ID, a proof of address and a copy of the credit card you used to make a deposit.

i live in india , is it legal to do binary option trading in india??

IQ Option should accept you, if that’s what you mean 🙂

there are no problems with that, as far as I’m aware of.

How much do i have to invest to start trading? or how much do I need to start trading.

Can I really earn money using iq option?

The minimum deposit you need to make is only 10$, one of the lowest in the whole binary options industry. Furthermore, you only need $1 to open a trade. So it’s really easy to start trading here 🙂

Do you need any more assistance?

please i would like to start……how do i start….i want to but afraid…

help….explain in detail pls.

I suggest you read our strategy section a bit and familiarize yourself with the basics. that should help you get rid of your fear.

Hi Iam from South Africa can I trade with real money and what is my minimum deposit required. I will be checking my email.

minimum deposit with this broker is $10.

Im so intrigued by this platform i have been using it for weeks now with a demo account and has not found any descripencies with it. My opinion i researched about this broker looked for everybit of prons and cons on them they are legit yes its a new organisation that was inteoduced 2008 and widespread on 2012 . Most people might not have faith on new invented company more eapecially dealing with money however i say trust your instincts read around hear what other researches have to say about iq options and make you decisions or other thing open a demo account utilise it see the educational facilities do trades and even call the customer support services and test them yourself. Im not dissapointed m soo sure you will never be aswell.

thank you for that thorough review 🙂

have you opened a real trading account with them after using the demo?

I need to know how the Call and Put buttons works, and generally how to operate the IQ app on mobile device?

You see I will the answer for you if you choose call button and you win the aamount of the losers will be credited to you I you losee you ammount will go to winners.

Call button means you expect the price to be higher at your expiry time than it was when you opened trade, while the Put button means you expect the price to go down.

The app can be downloaded from the broker’s website or the app stores. As for using it, it’s pretty much the same like the regular platform.

I this user friendly for south africans? And will I be paid in dollars or Rands ? Which documents do I need for withdrawals ?

You will need a copy of your ID, a proof of your address and a copy of your credit card if that’s what you decide to use.

Yes, South Africans can trade here and I think you will be paid in dollars, but that can be automatically converted to rands in your bank account, I think.

Which money transfer method are you using?

Does it option accept traders from the Caribbean Jamaica.

honestly, I don’t know. I recommend you check with their customer support.

Is iq option supported in the u. s?

Unfortunately, this s not the case at the moment.

I would recommend this broker if you’re from the US:

have you ever traded binary options before?

I just wanted to who lives in the Bahamas can use this platform n how do I go throught the paces.

yes, just click on the button at the bottom of this article and you will be taken to the screen where you can create your trading profile. you are familiar with the financial requirements?

Can I use IQ options from Uganda, East Africa?

yes, I think IQ accepts all African countries. can I help you with anything else?

jebale sebbo. yes u can trade sebbo.

Im from india..can i trade with iq options??

As they demand investments only in USD, EUR AND GBP..

sim você pode. the amounts will simply be converted automatically. How much were you thinking of investing?

Is this broker is scam or real. any one help me.

This is a completely reliable broker. They even have a license fro CySEC, EU’s regulatory body. When it comes to safety, this broker is one of the best 🙂

Do you need help with anything else?

I’d like to know if they allow visa card for deposit and withdrawal of funds?

yes, yes they do 🙂

Love the website – very user friendly and whole lots to see!

Thank you very much! What do you like the most?

Can New Zealand Use This IQ Options?

yes, yes they can 🙂

as a matter of fact, it’s probably the best choice you have. Have you opened an account yet?

Hi, I’d like to know Can this platform is used in INDIANA trader also.

If you mean India, then yes. If you mean the state of Indiana, then I’m afraid not because US traders are not accepted at the moment. Você pode esclarecer?

do they accept traders from philippines? obrigado.

yes they do. do you know how to get started?

I would like to know if traders from Indonesia is allow to join.

Thanks in advance for your response.

yes, Indonesian traders are accepted. Do you have any more questions? 🙂

How do I get hold of the support team?

go to the company’s website. there you will find addresses and phone numbers of all their offices around the world, as well as their e-mail address.

Are the demo results a real reflection of what i would achieve on a real live trading account? Been winning so much to a point where i felt like nah man it can’t be this easy…

What is the possible average profits can one get a day?

depends on how much you invest. profits can go up to 90% per trade. How much were you thinking of depositing?

What are the chances of winning?

That’s great. because I am nt needy but I wanna start trading,$10 is avodable even $ soo happy. i wanna start trading with u.

the chances of winning are pretty good if you have a decent strategy. if you need help with that, head on over to our strategy tab (binaryoptionstrading-review/binary-options-strategy/)

have you already opened an account?

I see they have the Bancontact/MrCash option enabled for deposit, pretty simple. So my question is , as a Maestro card holder, this option is enabling me to deposit with no problems, but can I get withdrawals (in case of) on the same Maestro debit card directly or do I need to select one of the options above and link that card to some other system … ?

you should be able to withdraw directly to your debit card, but be aware that you can withdraw only as much as you had deposited. All profits will be sent to you by another method (like bank wire or some online payment system)

hi do we have members from Saudi Arabia? do they not facing problems in withdrawing their money?

hello 🙂 I haven’t noticed any complaints from those traders or from traders in general about the withdrawal here. Are you from Saudi Arabia? Have you experienced any problems?

DO they charge for withdrawals?

it is how to start and how to sell and purchase.

i want to chatting with u i want to some inquirey about iq option.

depends on the method you’re using. Which method do you prefer?

Hi, can this be used in the Philippines?

yes, no problem 🙂 do you need help in getting started?

Do they accept traders from Nigeria?

Yes 🙂 How much are you looking to invest?

I really wanted to try IQ Option has it was highly recommended. I’m new to the game and am disappointed that the rules recently changed. What is my best option (as a Canadian) in the mobile trading world?

I’m from India and will it be safe for me to trade in this platform?

Yes, IQ Option applies the same high security standards to all clients, no matter where they come from. Which transfer method will you use?

NOT FOR CANADIANS. I loved this platform. Very user friendly and strait forward. And I was doing well at first with the 60 second options. Suddenly my 60seconds started turning into 90-120secs. This was irritating and I was starting to loose money because my strategy relies on the 60seconds options. I contacted support and was told Canada is no longer supported and to withdraw my available funds so that they can block my account. 5 mins prior to that message I had just completed a deposit that they allowed with no notification. Now they are refusing and explanation and I have to wait up to 3 days before my withdrawl is processed. Very disappointing, no explanation, no notification or alert, I feel like I’ve been robbed. If you live in Canada DO NOT use IQ Option.

Canadian regulation regarding trading has recently experienced major changes and dozens of brokers got banned almost overnight. That’s why they don’t accept traders from there anymore. However, mobile trading is still an option for Canadian traders.

So your saying mobile trading with iq option will still be available in canada?

I think it should, I think they found a loophole regarding mobile trading. However, I’m not 100% on that, so I recommend you contact the broker’s support.

Hi please explain ? Mobile trading with I Q options even from Canada ?

Eu acho que sim. I think that the app should be available in Canada. I’m not certain, though. Maybe it would be best if you talked to the broker’s support.

Hello am from swaziland can i use IQ option for trading?

Yes, I believe you should be able to trade. Have you traded anywhere else before?

Hi, I’d like to know if they allow paypal for deposit and withdrawal of funds.. anyone..

don’t think so. POLI, WebMoney, Skrill and Neteller are your options here.

How much do i have to invest to start trading? or how much do I need to start trading.

Can I really earn money using iq option?

minimum deposit is $10 and that’s one of this broker’s main strengths. on top of that, you can also open trades for one dollar, so I think you really don’t need much to start trading with IQ 🙂

based on this, one really doesn’t need much to achieve profit.

why do I have some difficulties in entering login to start trading . When I have filled e’mail and password , it is will stated ” you have already registered” and then I can not log in again. Give explaination. Obrigado.

have you opened an account with them before? maybe you’re confusing registering and logging in 🙂 happens all the time. have you contacted the customer support about this?

On entering their tournaments and receiving a virtual trading account of $100 I have logged in several minutes after the tournament has started and found the tournament leaders to have accounts in the four figure mark. This is not possible to do and I would have to question if these are made up accounts by IQ option to scam people out of their entry fees. In the period of the tournament the leaders grow that $100 into unbelievable amounts. I would appreciate other traders views on this.

there are some very short expiration times over there, plus you can pay extra to start with a bigger amount which gives you an edge in the tournament. have you completed the tournament? what’s your experience with that particular type of trading and with IQ Option in general?

IQ Option Review : The Best AutoMated Trading Software, No Doubt !!

IQ Option Review : Binary trading is getting very popular among investor, not only this investor from all sectors are trying to get into binary trading, even a person, who has never done any kind of investment or sort is trying to get into binary trading. The word ‘Binary’ basically means one or zero, so in Binary options trading there are two options either you can earn some money or you could lose them.

IQ Option Review – The Best Auto Trading Software!

The money or no money option pays some fixed amount of cash if the Option expires in the money while the asset or nothing pays the value of the underlying security.

IQ Option Binary Broker Review.

For doing Binary Trading there are multiple sites available, from which you can do Binary trading but, out of those hundred sites, which one is the best? which have one the best features? Which one has the best UI? These are some of the questions which will come in your mind before you start binary trading, well, in this case, you can go with a site called IQ Option, which can be said as one of the best sites for doing Binary trading.

It doesn’t matter, you are new to trading or you are someone who is an experienced investor, you can easily start up with this site.

Things to know about IQ Option Binary Trading:

Before getting started you should certain things about this site, which attracts every investor to their site: IQ Option site has more than 11 million active users, which is outstanding. More than 1.5 million trades are done per day in IQ Option. It can be accessed by using any browser, the application can also be downloaded on a PC. IQ Option site also offers an app, which can be downloaded on your Android or iPhone smartphone. Beginners can start a website with a demo account with a minimum deposit of 10 $, and after getting some experience, they can upgrade to a premium account. Users can invest a minimum amount of 1 $ to a maximum amount of 1000 $. Binary Options Broker site allows you to trade in currencies like USD, AUD, NZD, RUB, CAD, EUR, Yen. What makes the IQ Option Broker site one of the reputed sites is that the IQ Option site doesn’t take any kind of hidden fees like other Binary trading sites. Users are also given various promos which can be redeemed and used for that for trading purposes. The IQ Option site offers a customer support of 24*7 and all the seven days of the week. The dashboard contains an option called leader board, which allows the users to see what other investor are trading, suppose you are following someone who is a master at this and an experienced person at trading, then by using the leader board menu, a user can easily follow the experienced user. The dashboard also comes with an option which allows the users to get in touch with the recent news of the market so that the users can stay aware what is going in the market and invest more carefully.

Advantages of using IQ Option Broker Site:

The site offers bonus returns of up to 92 %, which is an excellent number for an investor. Very good and attractive layout which will catch anyone’s attention. The IQ Option Broker site is regulated by the respected and reputed CYSEC agency. As mentioned before, the site offers 24 /7 customer support and that also all the seven days of the week Users are allowed to do a minimum investment of 1 $. Other than PCs, the IQ Option Broker site can be accessed from even a smartphone, so a user doesn’t need to sit in front of the computer all the time for monitoring The IQ Option broker site offers interactive learning tool which can be used any newbie for learning.

Cons of IQ Option Broker Site:

Although, the site has got many positive things, but the site also has some cons, and the biggest one is that, even after offering many great features, the IQ Option Broker site doesn’t allow live chat with the customer support. An investor from Japan or from the United States of America cannot use this awesome binary trading site.

The first thing which you have to do this signing up with the IQ Brokers Site, you just need to fill up a form, after that, a verification is done and then make a deposit of 10 $ to get started, and guess what this is the lowest deposit offered by any broker site.

A user can also take help of a video, which contains all the details on how to open an account.

They are many bonuses which are too good to be true. While trading on this site, when you reach some milestone you will receive bonuses. If you are lucky, you can earn up to 100% bonus, which is just amazing. The IQ Option broker site also offers 80 % signup bonus.

Account types available in IQ Broker Site.

IQ Option Broker site offers two types of account, like IQ Option Real account, and IQ Option VIP account.

IQ Option Real account: The IQ Option Real Account offers a minimum amount of 10 $, cash back up to 45 % is available, all asset available in the site can be used, weekly Webinars are done, real account users can also enter web brokers trading competitions.

For getting a VIP account, an investor needs to make a deposit of 1000 $, cashback of 60% bonus are given, a user can join in a VIP webinars, VIP users can get a bonus of 100%, a VIP account holder is also given a personal account manager.



After reading all these things, you can easily understand why IQ Option Broker site has become so popular and getting more and more users every day, users are given access to various webinars, through which they can learn a lot of new things. Till now, no other Broker’s site has not been able to match their payout and rebate ratios. As said before no other site allows a user to start with a deposit of $10.

The IQ Option Broker offers a very good customer support available 24/7 hours and 7 days of a week, premium users are also given a personal manager, which is outstanding. It is quite impossible that any investor will be disappointed or regret after doing trading with the IQ Option Broker site.

Yash Patel says.

Review was awesome and I loved it to read and think what I have finally decided to invest some money in it. Hope I can earn some money from IQ Option as per your review tell about IQ Option.

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IQ Option Review | Is IQ Option a Scam?

Is IQ Option a SCAM or Not? 100% Honest Review Pro Trader Reveals The Truth! Read This First and Start Trading NOW! BEST Tips!

IQ Option & # 8211; Plataforma de negociação.

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

In this review, I go through the following facts:

YouTube Video: An introduction video for new traders.

Opção IQ.

Testimonials and Success Stories: Real users share their experiences.

Trading: How and what to trade with IQ Option.

App: How to use and get the most out of the app. IQ Option Is It a Scam?: My full fraud investigation report and results. IQ Option Auto Trader: Can you use the binary option robot auto trader with this broker site. IQ Option US traders: This broker site does not currently accept US traders. I will tell you why and what your options are if you reside in the United States. Conclusion: Including the overall rating.

How to trade on IQ Option.


$10 Minimum deposit: This is the minimum deposit to start binary options trading. You do not have to make a big investment. $1 Minimum trades: Again, you do not have to be a millionaire to be able to gain money by trading stocks or currencies; you can start with small amounts and climb up the ladder at your own pace.

Web-based interactive education system Over 500 assets to trade Totally FREE demo account: If you want to start even more carefully, you can first trade with a demo account.

Claim these outstanding offers and start trading with IQ Option by filling in the form below.

Important Information in a Nutshell.

Regulation: CySEC Legal Entities: IQ Option consists of two legal entities: IQ Option Europe Ltd. is registered at Cyprus and is regulated by CySEC, and IQ Option Ltd. which is registered at Seychelles, this entity is not regulated. Minimum deposit: $10 Minimum exercise price: $1 Maximum option price: $5,000 Yield: Upto 92% in case of correct prediction Deposit/withdrawal methods: Credit Card, Wire Transfer, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort Assets: Currency pairs, stocks, indices and commodities Number of assets: 500+ Countries: We accept all countries except USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Israel, Palestine, Japan, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Sudan, North Korea and Iran. Users from following countries can not trade from the iOS mobile application: Malta; Android application unavailable for: Malta, Myanmar, Liechtenstein, Cuba. Demo account: Yes, free of charge, no time limit Mobile application: Android, iOS Trading platform: Web-browser and standalone app Support: 24/7 Support languages: English, Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, French, Italian, Arabic, Hindi Founded: 2013 Withdrawal: 1 working day.

IQ Option & # 8211; how to use.

Atualmente, existem centenas de corretores de opções binárias, com novos que aparecem no mercado quase que diariamente. Isso é ótimo para os clientes. À medida que as empresas tentam competir uns contra os outros, há um número quase infinito de opções com características especiais.

One thing that many brokers have been overlooking is existing customers; the goal has only been to get new customers, which has led many customers, after making their first deposit, to go to other broker sites or to stop investing in binary options completely.

But this is where IQ Option is completely different to its competitors. A perfect example of this is a $10 minimum deposit and a $1 minimum investment, which shows that they are openly welcoming those investors who want to start cautiously or who cannot afford to invest larger amounts of money.

IQ Option currently has 77 different trading assets available. Esses incluem:

Estoques. Shares of over 50 major companies . such as Gazprom , Daimler , Barclays , Apple and Rosneft . Índices. Most traded indices including FTSE 100 , DAX , Nikkei-225 , CAC 40 , Dow Jones and S&P 500 . Commodities. Gold and silver . Currency pairs . All the most commonly traded currency pairs including EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/CAD, EUR/JPY, USD/CHF and many others. Bitcoin : This option is only available on a few binary options broker sites.

New IQ Option platform v4.0.

Tipos de conta.

There are three different types of accounts available to you, including two account types that are for real money trading:

Practice trading for free Does not use real money.

All 500+ trading assets available Start with as little as a $10 minimum deposit You can participate in trading competitions Full access to trading opportunities Fast withdrawals (within 3 days)

( You will get access to VIP if you deposit more than $3,000)

All 500+ trading assets available Full access to trading opportunities You can participate in trading competitions Personal manager.

I personally recommend starting with a VIP account from the beginning.

What Does This Mean To You?

You can choose from a wide variety of deposit options. The current deposit methods are Credit Card, Skrill, Neteller, Boleto, Qiwi, WebMoney, iDeal, Fasapay, Sofort: “or you can use the following methods: Skrill, bank wire transfer, WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money, PayPal, LiqPay, and Moneta”

Montantes de Negociação.

O investimento mínimo de US $ 1 por comércio é o mais baixo da indústria. Isso torna possível começar a investir, com dinheiro real. Como o investimento mínimo é tão baixo, recomendo abrir uma conta de dinheiro real desde o início.

O investimento máximo de US $ 5.000 por comércio é suficiente mesmo para investidores de "alta rotação" que estão dispostos a assumir grandes riscos para obter altos rendimentos. For example, by setting a number of $5,000 trades in a row, you can raise the stakes as high as you want.

Plataforma de negociação.

IQ Option uses its own trading platform, a fresh change from the SpotOption platform which is used by almost all the major broker sites, including Banc de Binary, and GOptions . Unlike some competitor sites, the possibility of inadvertently setting the wrong investment is not possible. The platform has many unique features, which are specially designed to make it simple and easy to use.

In order to test the platform with a beginner, we asked our secretary if she could master the platform. Our secretary does not have any previous experience with binary options. We gave her 15 minutes to learn, after which we came back to check the situation.

When we came back, she told us that 15 minutes was more than sufficient. She was very familiar with all the main features after a couple of minutes. She also told us that she had never been interested in investing; though, after the experiment, she decided to start actively learning about investing with IQ option. In conclusion, there is no better way to start.

The trading platform includes the following unique features:

Real-time asset price movements: You can follow price changes of desired trading assets through real-time charts. Technical analysis panel: You will find various analysis tools on the technical analysis panel. I will tell you more about these in the trading pattern section of this article. Possibility to use a variety of charts: In addition to the more commonly used tick charts, you can also use candlestick charts. Trader’s choice indicator: Here you can directly see which investment alternative (“put” or “call”) is more popular, as well as the percentage of investors that have chosen each alternative. Top trader’s stats and best deals: You can quickly and easily see how much the best investors made profit and how; Relevant financial news: You no longer need to look through all the news from various sites, you can see it directly through the trading platform.

Tipos de opções.

The investor can have the option expire in 60 seconds, or more cautiously select an expiration time, such as 30 minutes or even 24 hours. However, they are also much risky than longer maturity options. Profits can be huge, but losses are also frequent.

IQ Option & # 8211; The fastest trading tool.

Binary Options Tournaments.

IQ option offers binary options tournaments*. Eu nunca vi isso em nenhum outro site do corretor, então eu tentei eles com grande interesse. No início, todos os comerciantes recebem um saldo de torneio de US $ 10.000 para seu uso durante o torneio. Winners are determined by their tournament balances at the end, participants with the highest balance win the first place prize etc.

Some tournaments have a guaranteed prize fund, which means that, if participation fees do not cover the whole prize pool, the broker will pay the rest. Alguns torneios também têm possibilidades de recompensar, o que significa que, se você perder todo o seu saldo do torneio, você pode se recompensar novamente no torneio, pela mesma taxa de inscrição e você ganha um saldo de torneio de $ 10.000 novamente. Os torneios geralmente duram 30 minutos. By participating in a tournament, you can profit 100 times (sometimes even more) the entry fee.

*Tournaments are subject to Terms and Conditions.

Tournament trading pattern:

The average level of the participants in these tournaments is astoundingly bad. With a good trading pattern, these truly are an good way to gain money. Instructions to follow:

Always aim to win: The first-place finisher always gets by far the biggest prize. It is therefore not worth aiming for eighth or ninth place, even if these allow you to collect a cash prize. Even if you just have a small chance, try to get into first-place, it is usually worth the risk. It is fine to spend the first few minutes observing the strategies the other participants are using: Watch whether other participants are trying to grow their tournament funds aggressively right from the start or taking a more cautious approach. You can then tailor your own trading pattern accordingly. However, make sure that the leaders do not get too far ahead of you, or it may become hard for you to catch them later on. In the middle of the tournament, you should have a clear picture of what the other participants are doing and what kind of trading pattern you should use: Now, it is time to optimize your trading pattern according to your objectives. If you are the clear leader, do not let others get too close. If you are close to the leader, try to keep them close, so that you can strike before the tournament ends. Also, observe what kind of strategies the tournament leaders are using. If they are too cautious, this will be your chance to take the whole pot, strike more aggressively and try to get into the lead. If the end of the tournament is getting closer, and you are not close to the top, it is time to take some big risks: You have nothing to lose, so it will be a good moment to reach the money by taking big risks. Victory may not be close, but don’t be discouraged. As long as you have money, you have a chance. Analyze your trading pattern afterwards and think of ways you can win more in the future: There is always room for improvement, even if you won. Spend a few minutes analyzing your trading pattern after the tournament is over, it might be extremely beneficial next time.

Trading pattern.

Os investidores têm acesso gratuito a um grande número de diferentes ferramentas e recursos de análise técnica. Você pode até mesmo usá-los diretamente através da plataforma de negociação. Você pode facilmente ver as tendências em mudança da negociação e, através do painel de análise técnica, é quase sem esforço tomar decisões de investimento com base na análise completa. You do not need any previous expertise to do this.

Há uma quantidade quase infinita de materiais educacionais gratuitos para você usar, como webinars gratuitos, ebooks, vídeos de instrução e tutoriais. With the help of these extensive materials, you can easily develop your skills and become a much better investor. Abaixo estão três exemplos de vídeos tutoriais que estão disponíveis para investidores.

Trading Patterns for IQ Option Broker.

Before we get to the actual strategies, you need to understand the system that they work with.

Japanese Candlesticks:

These are bars in charts depicting the price movements of an asset. They represent the opening and closing of a price range. If the price moves up it will be represented by a green candle. If the price moves down, it will be represented by a red candle.

Trend Lines:

These are lines in the chart which represent price movements and show the corridor within which the price range of the asset is likely to fluctuate. The support lines on the lower side of the chart represent the level from which prices tend to bounce upwards. The resistance level refers to the trend line at the upper side of the chart and it represents the level from which prices tend to bounce downwards. The area between the two trend lines is the trending corridor.

Candlesticks, trend lines and the trending corridor are some of the most popular and effective tools in binary options signal generation.

The Main Patterns.

1. The Rebound Line Trading Pattern.

The aim of this trading pattern is to catch the movement of an asset at the very moment when the price cannot break through the support of the resistance levels. In this trading pattern, when the price reaches the resistance level and the candle closes before this level, the possibility of a rebound is greater than the possibility of a growth. Here, you are better off buying a “put” option.

With the same trading pattern, if the price reaches the support line and the candle closes just above this level, you are better buying a “call” option. This trading pattern is relevant whether the trend is neutral, upward or downward.

2. The Three Black Crows Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern defines the downward reversal on the uptrend. Look out for an uptrend with several ascending candles in a row. Wait for the reversal of three descending candles in a row. Closing at the third candle is a signal of an uptrend turning into a downtrend.

At the same time, when there are three descending candles in a row, and the price closes at the end of the third, this will be a signal of a downtrend turning to an uptrend. These signals are what you will use to make your trades.

3. Piercing Line Candlestick Pattern.

Here you study the candlesticks carefully and look out for a trend in the price movements. What you will be on the lookout for is the precise moment where you will notice a reversal of a downtrend. Find two candles on the chart one of which closes the price in the middle of the previous one. Wait for the second ascending candle. When a third ascending candle appears it will be a signal of a trend reversal.

This will happen both ways. Look out for another set of two candles and see if one closes in the middle of the one before it. You will look at the second candle while waiting for the third descending candle..This will be the signal of another trend reversal this time on the opposite side of the chart. You can then execute the trade in line with the signal and you can expect a winning conclusion.

4. The Rainbow Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern is a little more technical than the strategies above. Here, three exponential averages with different periods are used simultaneously. On the chart, you will mark the first line with a period of 6 in blue. The second line with a period of 14 will be marked in yellow while the third line with a period of 26 will be marked with red.

For strong signals of an imminent drop in an asset’s price, the following points with the moving average will be noted.

The blue line will be at the top The yellow line will be in the middle The red line will be at the bottom.

The intersection of the blue line with the yellow line will be the signal to enter the market and buy a “put” option.

For strong signals of an imminent rise in an asset’s price, the following points will be noted.

The red line will be at the top The yellow line will be in the middle The blue line will be at the bottom.

The intersection of the yellow line with the blue line is a strong signal to enter the market and buy a “call” option.

5. Moving Averages Trading Pattern.

This is one of the most popular strategies and it is used extensively in binary options trading where IQ Option is in play. It is used to full effect, profit wise by both experienced and rookie traders. You will use the available technical analysis tools to construct the moving averages indicator.

The period indicates the number of candlesticks selected for the calculation of the moving averages. With this trading pattern employed by IQ Option’s clients, there are four types of moving averages. The difference comes with the method of calculation. The different moving averages are: simple, exponential, weightage and smooth.

Most of IQ Option’s clients are in agreement that the simple and exponential moving averages are the simplest to calculate and use to help generate signals. They are also the most accurate of the four. In most cases, the last two are used by professionals in highly specialized strategies.

The simple and the exponential moving averages are relevant with many trading strategies including following the corridor using the rebound line and the breaking line. They are also used in advanced strategies where construction of several moving averages is simultaneously carried out.

6. The Pin Bar Trading Pattern.

This is another of the more technical strategies that you can use with IQ Option. It will be used to predict a downward or upward trend with the price of an asset. What are studied here are pin bar candles with tails or spots.

If a pin bar candle has a small body and a long tail, directed upward or downward, there is an imminent shift in the price of the asset depending on the prevailing market conditions. If the tail of the pin bar points upwards, the price of the asset is predicted to move downwards. You will need to predict accordingly in that instant.

When the tail of the pin bar points downwards the price of the asset is predicted to go up. This is another signal and you will trade accordingly. A good pin bar with a tail is an indication that you should enter the market. What you need to be careful about is the direction that the tail is facing as this will be indicative of the prevailing market conditions.

Not all pin bars with tails are good. A good pin bar has to satisfy the following conditions:

The open and close levels are placed next to the end of one of the previous bars. This must be near the top or bottom. The pin bars open and close levels are placed within the left bars also known as the left eye. If all the parameters are to the right, it means that the signal is strong enough to enter the market.

7. The Breaking Line Trading Pattern.

This IQ Option trading pattern aims to catch the exact moment that a candlestick breaches either the support line or the resistance line. When the candle closes above the resistance line, it is better to buy a “call” option. This is because the chances of the price of the asset rising increases dramatically.

When the candle closes below the support line, the chances of the price falling increases at a very high rate. At this point in the chart, you will buy a “put” option as it is the most favorable. This trading trading pattern is suitable for neutral, upward and downward trends.

8. Alligator Trading Pattern.

This trading pattern is rather simple in its application mechanisms. Here, three smooth moving averages are monitored as they move along the chart. They will be displaying different moves and their respective time periods. What is important to note is that with this trading pattern, the moving averages must be of the smooth kind.

This implies that the simple and the exponential moving averages will not work with this trading pattern, at least not with the IQ Option system. This is because the smooth moving averages have very little impact on ripples in the market or fluctuations with very little significance. These moving average lines show the most likely price that the asset will have in the near future if the market is not under any undue influence from unexpected factors either within the asset’s market itself or in the wider global financial markets.

The smooth average lines of the candlesticks are looked at like they are alligator teeth. When the candles open upwards, it is the appropriate time for you to make a trade. This is a signal to execute a “call” option immediately.

When the candlesticks open downwards, it is a signal that the appropriate trade to execute is a “put” option.

When the indicators are twisted like a helix or intertwined in any way, it means the alligator is asleep; this is not the appropriate time to make any trades. Trading at this point may be tempting but the chances of losing your stake here is very high because the next possible move in very unpredictable.

In between the “call” and “put” trades, the indicators will twist again and you should rest your trading for a while.

9. The Bollinger Bands Trading Pattern.

Here, the trading pattern is applied with the price chart carrying three lines. These lines are not equal in thickness. Rather, their width will change according to the movements in the market. When an asset’s marketplace is calm, the bands will narrow. When activity resumes, the bands will widen. The rate at which they widen will depend on the intensity of the trading. Should you notice a rapid widening of the bands, you can be sure that there has been a sudden increase in the intensity of trading for that particular asset.

The band at the center represents a smooth moving average which will be carrying something like 20 bars/candles.

Trading binary options is a profitable venture. What you need is the right broker to handle your investment and to guide you to profitability. IQ Option is one of the leading brokers in the binary options marketplace. This can be seen from the deep understanding that they have of the binary options marketplace and the movements of asset prices. As evidenced by the sophistication of the trading strategies, it is how you interpret the price movements that determines the nature of the signals that you get.

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How to trade Classic Options with IQ Option.

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How to sell options before the expiration time.

IQ Option App.

The IQ Option mobile app is one of the best that I have ever used. And, I am not the only one who thinks this. At this moment, it is the #1 trading app in 45 countries. One of the most important reasons for its success is the great functional features, which make trading possible anytime and from anywhere. The most important buttons are not too close to each other, so even those with big fingers, like me, will not make incorrect clicks.

The app is basically the normal trading platform in a smaller size, so if you only want to trade with your mobile phone, you can; and you will not miss out on any of the key features. Trading “on the go” is becoming more popular every day, so with this excellent mobile platform, IQ Option definitely has a distinct advantage over most of its competitors. The app can be downloaded from Google Play or App Store or click on the button below to download the IQ Option mobile app now:

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

IQ Option: Is It a Scam?

I have done a full fraud investigation and the outcome is clear: IQ Option is not a fraudulent broker. The following facts prove this without a doubt:

It has the best website and the most versatile trading platform in the industry: These cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make. Scammers would not have these kinds of resources at their disposal. It has operated for several years without any negative comments: Scammers can never fully escape negative comments; a great reputation is a good indicator that the broker is truly honest. It has the lowest minimum deposit in the industry: Scammers usually have one simple goal: to get as much money as soon as possible. There is always a risk that the scam is revealed, after which getting money is extremely difficult. Completely free demo accounts: If you intend to scam, why would you give anything for free? Especially if that would increase the risk of being exposed. Extensive free educational material: If you intend to scam someone, it does not make sense to make it harder by teaching your victims. Fast withdrawals and versatile withdrawal methods: Scammers always try to get money from their victims by any means possible. Therefore, it is obvious that they would not give victims their money back. Awards and distinctions: Scammers do not win prizes from impartial organizations. More about these awards is provided below.

IQ Option & # 8211; Very Special Broker.

IQ Option has received several awards and recognition from multiple sources. This is more proof that they are excellent and honest in their business. The most popular of these awards are the “ Most Reliable Binary Option Broker ” award and the “ Most Innovative Binary Option Broker ” award. The judges were the most esteemed and experienced people in the area of investment, from all-around the world. IQ Option competed against other popular broker sites, such as CTOption, Option FM, CherryTrade and Master Option.


I must admit that I am extremely impressed with how professionally IQ Option has dealt with every single detail of their site. They have really raised the bar to a completely new level. Neste momento, é difícil imaginar que qualquer outro site de intermediário fique tão próximo a eles como um todo. Por esse motivo, a opção IQ é minha recomendação número um absoluto para cada investidor de opções binárias. Este site do corretor é verdadeiramente de primeira qualidade em todas as características que podem ser medidas.

Overall rating of 4.9 out of 5.0.

Register now by clicking on the button below and to trade with the best!

Os serviços financeiros fornecidos por este site trazem um alto nível de risco e podem resultar na perda de todos os seus fundos. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Confira estes artigos mais votados!

Páginas internacionais.

Los Mejores Robots de Opções Binarias (Español) Roboter für Binäre Optionen (Deutsch) Meilleurs Robots sur Options Binaires (Français) I Migliori Robot por Opzioni Binarie (Italiano) Melhores Robôs de Opções Binárias (Português do Brasil)

Updated on 25-04-2017.

Autor: Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos. Ver todas as postagens de Michael Allen.

Opção de opção binária recomendada Auto Traders.

Robô de Opção.

Obtenha o melhor robô de opção binária - Option Robot - gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo. Nossa oferta exclusiva: conta demo gratuita! Veja o quão lucrativo o Robot da Opção antes de investir com dinheiro real!

Taxa de retorno média: mais de 90% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: 16 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

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O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno médio: cerca de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Aceitamos sites de corretores compatíveis: 11 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

O Real Robot.

O melhor novo software de negociação automática: Automated Binary. Obtenha agora gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo e comece a ganhar dinheiro enquanto você dorme!

Taxa de retorno média: pouco mais de 80% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: 12 corretores diferentes Preço: Gratuito.

Coloque seus negócios para copiar os melhores comerciantes do mundo e ganhe dinheiro sem fazer muito trabalho. Software inovador, que você pode obter livremente clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: Depende do comerciante que você escolhe copiar Clientes dos EUA: Não aceito Sites compatíveis do corretor: Preço de Anyoption: Gratuito.

Mike's Auto Trader.

Um dos melhores comerciantes de automóveis, que você pode obter gratuitamente, clicando no botão abaixo.

Taxa de retorno média: bem acima de 70% em nosso teste Clientes dos EUA: sites de corretores aceitos aceitos: muitos sites de corretores respeitáveis ​​Preço: Gratuito.


Michael Allen.

Michael Allen é o principal autor da binaryoptionrobotinfo. Possui Doutorado em Economia e trabalhou em banco de investimento por 24 anos.

20 comentários.

Olá a todos! I have been investing in IQ Option since a long time and I found it to be really good. I have never suffered any major loss in this binary options trading platform. Moreover, the brokers present with this trading portal are highly reliable and legitimate. Therefore, I do not even have to worry a peck about my money while investing in this portal. IQ Option is a great binary trading system that offers only genuine services to the traders. I am completely satisfied by its results!

I read this review of yours about IQ Option! I really liked this one! I like the way you have presented each & every fact about IQ Option in a detailed manner. However, I would like to ask something. Which one is better: IQ Option or Option Robot? I am literally confused about these two. Both of these are highly reliable and legitimate systems. Even the profits offered are really high. So can you please help me decide? I would like to make investment in any one of them. Please help me out.

I have always trusted Option Robot as my best binary options trading partner. However, after reading this review about IQ Option, I think even this one is really good. There are various positive reviews and testimonials about IQ Option. It is a great binary options trading platform that offers the ease of using the free demo account to test the online system. As such, if you are trading for the first time, then you can trade with IQ Option with much ease. There is no need to worry about losing any of money through this portal.

I really liked this review about IQ Option. I had read about IQ Option somewhere before. However, I did not take it that seriously. As there are so many fraudulent binary options trading systems out there, it becomes really difficult to rely on any binary trading portal. However, this review is sufficient to clear all the doubts regarding the reliability of IQ Option. The traders can understand that this is a highly reliable system and is able to generate higher profits upon the investment of the traders. Muito bom!

IQ Option is a great binary options trading platform. However, there is a certain deposit amount if you wish to start trading in the same. As such, I would like to know about some binary options trading platform that asks no deposit amount to start the binary trading. I have lost my money several times through the deposit amount only. Therefore, I do not want to take any other risk. Please let me know of any such binary options trading platform. It would really helpful. I do not wish to get into any fraudulent trading scheme again.

This is a reliable binary options trading platform. IQ Option is one of those binary options trading platforms in which you can place your trust entirely. I was myself looking for any such platform which is completely legitimate and does not offer fraudulent claims to the traders. It is really difficult to find reliable and trustworthy binary options trading portals in this industry. As such, if you are starting out in the binary options trading industry, then you must search only for the reliable ones. You can try out IQ Option as a great option!

IQ Option is a great binary options trading platform. If you are looking for some reliable and safe binary options trading portal, then this one is the perfect option for you. With a minimum deposit value of just $10, you can simply test the system as well in case you are unsure about its trading success. Moreover, you also get to create a free demo account with IQ Option. This is a great option for the first-time traders who are skeptical about investing any amount of money with new binary trading platform. I like IQ Option!

Hi Michael, I read your review about IQ Option binary options trading portal. Eu realmente gostei. I have recently started trading with Option Robot. I find that IQ Option is also a great one that offers a myriad of reliable offers & claims to its traders. So, now I am confused between the two. I wish to maximize my profits. So I wish to know which one amongst these two is the best? Please let me know as I will start investing in the same. Obrigado!

Until now, Option Robot was the only one binary options trading platform that I used to trust completely. However, now that I have read this review about IQ Option, I think I can give this binary options trading platform a try as well. Michael has unveiled all the aspects of the IQ Option trading portal by writing about the good and the bad things as well. As such, I can trust his review entirely and can thus, consider investing my money in IQ Option Robot this time.

Though IQ Option might be a great platform for several investors out there, still I consider Option Robot as the best one. I have been investing in Option Robot since a long time and it has never let me down. I have always been able to succeed in trading upon my investments. I should stick to Option Robot as of now. Anyways, great job for writing such good reviews every time!

I have always trusted IQ Option binary options trading software since the time I have started trading in the binary options trading industry. In addition to the IQ Option software, I also trust Option Robot as one of my friends has been making substantial profits in that platform as well. If you are starting out new, then you can definitely consider investing in any of these two platforms. You have done an impeccable job by writing such detailed and in-depth reviews about different binary options trading portals. Keep doing the great job! I like your articles!

Hi, good day to all! I was reading some of the reviews posted here by Michael. In comparison to the earlier times, I think now I have developed quite a good amount of interest in the binary options trading industry. Michael always writes the reviews by putting each & every point into attention to detail. As such, this serves a great purpose to the beginners in the binary trading for example with IQ Option.

IQ Option is a great automated binary trading software that claims only what it offers. Good job by portraying the main points of IQ Option software. It is a highly reliable and legit trading software and can be tried by those who are thinking of making the investment for the first time.

For a naïve investor like me, Michael is like a rescuer who offers great help through the detailed reviews of different binary options trading platforms through his articles. I have been following him thoroughly and find his blogs to be very helpful. Thank You Michael for always enlightening me with the best such that I can embark on the binary trading journey successfully.

Before losing out several times on the binary options trading platform, I have come across IQ Option trading software. I have realized that this is one good choice that I have made in my life as it has until now proved to be highly successful to me in terms of binary trading. I also read the detailed review about IQ Option here. Now, I have gained more confidence in it and will continue investing in the same.

I was using OneTwoTrade and realized that it is a big time scam. They were reflecting some amount in my account, but in the end, I was not able to withdraw the same. I had lost all the confidence and trust upon the binary options trading industry from then onwards. However, after reading the detailed IQ Option review, I have gained some faith back in it. I will give it a try to try my luck at binary options trading industry.

I lost few hundred euros to binary when I was learning but now it’s easy as walking in a beach. worst you can do is to be afraid to learn and trade. Then you can never win. IQ option seems to be trusted broker for long time so I’m keeping my trading with them. Good service if you have something to ask. What kind of experiences other readers have about these brokers?

I gotta say that few other brokers were not so good at helping, advising or educating to binary option world, but IQ Option actually is amazing. They have been helpful and nice all the way eventhough I was beginner a year ago. with their help I managed to do almost 40k with small trades day by day but doing it for a year it has accumulated in to a bigger revenue stream in total. I would recommend IQ option to everyone who is interested online trading. Possibilities are limitless and their service is always good.

You are welcome DTX111, hopefully your good streak continues, keep us updated!

IQ option is very good broker, made 15k€ laready in three weeks!! thank you for writing this binaryoptionrobotinfo and michale allen.

Opção IQ.

Revisão da opção IQ.

IQ Option consists of two legal entities: IQ Option Europe Ltd., which is registered in Cyprus and is regulated by CySEC, and IQ Option Ltd., which is registered in the Seychelles. This second entity is not regulated. A list of countries accepted by IQ Option Europe Ltd. can be found at the bottom of this page**.

IQ Option Europe LTD is located in Yiannis Nicolaides Business Centre, Agiou Athanasiou Avenue 33, Limassol Athanasios, Agios, 41022, Cyprus and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC, license number 247/14. Support is available on telephone, for UK dial +44 20 8068 0760. See iqoption/contacts for more support numbers worldwide.

Is IQ Option a Scam?

IQ Option hasn’t raised any Scam suspicions so far. In fact, IQ Option is transparent brokerage, operated by IQ Option Europe Ltd., a company regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), under License number 247/14. The company who operates the website is also easily found in their “Contact Us” section so I guess there’s no reason to be worried.

In addition, the broker has maintained a relatively high and stable stream of traffic to their domains: IQoption and eu. iqoption. This means that the traders are satisfied and the company is healthy with a good reputation. The broker also appears in the registry of multiple European regulators such as FCA, Consob, CNMV and Bafin. This is a big plus because should a conflict with the broker arise, it’s easier to make a complaint against a registered company.

*General Risk Warning: The financial services products offered by the company provided by this website carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds. Você nunca deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder.

Nota do Editor & # 8217; Nota # 8211; Why IQ Option Doesn’t Suck in 50 Words.

Finally, after what seems like ages, I find a brokerage that doesn’t look like a carbon copy of every other broker on the market. The company is trying to do something different starting with the website layout, the education and of course the innovative, highly functional, trading platform. They also offer a free Demo and I mean really free, without any of the shenanigans like “Deposit 100 bucks in a real account and we will give you a free demo”. I opened the Demo in about 15 seconds.

Why Does IQ Option Suck in 50 Words.

I am sorry to say but their expiration times are too limited and I believe this is one of the main issues I have with this broker. Expiry is pretty dynamic, but all purchased options expire by the end of the day at most, so long-term traders will feel left out. However, that being said, this is one of the better platforms for short term intra-day traders. Other reasons it may suck is a relatively short asset list and the fact they only have call/put (high/low) style options. Update: You can now trade 22 Forex pairs and 12 popular Cryptocurrencies.

Should I Open an Account with IQ Option?

Right from the start I can see I am not dealing with the usual Binary Options website that shows me a glamorous girl, a limousine or stacks of money. The first thing you will notice is that the home page is free of cheap marketing tactics and to be honest that makes me feel like I’ve accessed a trading venue, not an online casino like a lot of the other brokers on the market.

IQ Option entered the marketplace in 2013 and since then they’ve done a great job at differentiating themselves from other brokers. First of all, their platform is proprietary, you won’t find it anywhere else. The biggest advantage is the charts, where Japanese candlestick charts and a list of many technical indicators like Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, MACD, RSI, Stochastic and 7 others can be used. This is a big thumb up because as we know, usually binary options brokers severely suck when it comes to charting and additional technical tools.

Something that many traders will be happy about is the broker’s low minimum deposit of just 10 US Dollars, and of course, the free Demo account that is really free. Registration is easy and you can start trading immediately on Demo – for a real account, your IDs need to be verified as is the case with all CySEC brokers. Traders who want to feel “special” have the option to open a VIP account for as little as $3,000 and they actually get VIP treatment: up to 92% return in the case of correct prediction.

IQ Option New Features 2017.

IQOption has developed to an advanced broker offering Cryptocurrencies such as ETH, BTC, LTC and OMG to name a few but also FX and CFD’s. Each asset class is well introduced and categorized also according to risk and reward. For example, there are 188 FX pairs to trade, they are classed as high risk but also high reward – same as the 12 tradeable Cryptocurrencies. They’ll also be introducing a large list of Stocks in September as advertised on their website while in October they’ll be introducing thousands of ETF’s (Exchange-traded Funds). The latter is categorized by IQOption as low risk but low return. This is a quote taken from their website regarding ETF’s:

“EFT trading is a brand-new product and a fantastic way to expand your portfolio. ETFs work by tracking commodities, indices and baskets of assets, and are traded in the same way as common stock on the stock exchange. Investors can sell short, buy on margin and buy as little as a single share in their chosen asset.”

The best part is that your investment is protected. For example, while trading FX, you can only lose the invested amount. Your binary options trades are protected too, at any time you can close any trade which is in or out of the money to secure partial profits or cut your losses. There are also many recurring tournaments with relatively big prize pools reaching up to 50,000 – 10,000! An extra is IQOption’s blog that seems to be very up to date with interesting articles and titles to dig through such as: “Cryptocurrencies Buy & Hold vs CFD Trading. What Is Better?” or “Why IOTA Recovery Is Not a Sign of Long-Term Growth”. I see several blog posts just from the previous 24 hours which is amazing. Most brokers have an outdated and “given up” calendar or blog but this is really good material and very recent.

IQ Option Complaints.

We found a list of complaining clients on pissedconsumer and the complaints are increasing gradually. Most users complain regarding return percentage changes during volatile markets, some complaint about platform freeze or expiry strike being different than the market price. We also found many complaints regarding withdrawals and blocked accounts and untrue quotes. Some people compared the IQ Option charts to MetaTrader but if you look carefully, they failed to notice that the former charts and MetaTrader where not using the same time interval (in some cases). On the other hand, we also found many satisfied people claiming they had no issues with their withdrawals. In regards to price delays and price issues, you may feel relieved to hear that CySec recently withdrew a fine that was issued for “not executing orders the best possible way for their clients”. This means that their platform is working in accordance with CySec rules and not cheating the clients. Finally, there are complaints regarding customer service, however, users must understand that IQ Option has limited live customer service.

In conclusion, their minimum deposit is only 10$ and there seems to be a good number of satisfied traders using this broker with no issues and knowing that CySec took back their fine regarding the executions on their platforms is another very good sign! Update 2017/09: There are both positive and negative reviews which are normal for a growing broker. Some traders have lost money thanks to their own trading and simply appear to be posting angry comments while some complain about the demo and real account being different. That’s not unusual, it’s easier to control yourself and perform better on a demo account than a live account. On the plus side, IQOption being registered and/or regulated by authorities around the world it’s easy to make a formal complaint if there really is an issue!

IQ Option Regulatory Announcements and Warnings.

30.9.2016: CySec fined IQOption for various reasons that were not in accordance with the regulator’s terms. One of which included a fine for “non-compliance with section 38 of the law” which is about order execution was recently (Jan 2017) revoked by CySec once IQOption managed to prove they were acting properly.

IQ Option Bonus.

Bonus is no longer available at IQOption in compliance with the new CySEC regulations.

How Long Does it Take for IQ Option to Put Money Back on my Bank?

The minimum withdrawal amount is $1 and the minimum deposit is $10. A transaction will be processed within 24 hours. The money must go to the same source they originated in order to prevent money laundering. Also, before being able to withdraw, clients have to provide identification documents, which is another practice required by anti-money-laundering rules. Further, withdrawals can be made by just about any eWallet on the internet, which gives the fastest payouts, within hours of processing unlike CC or wires, which could take longer. Update: The full list of acceptable funding methods are: Visa, MasterCard, or Maestro, WebMoney, Skrill, Moneybookers and Neteller.

IQ Option Extras.

Os gráficos de castiçal são considerados extra para corretores de opções binárias, mesmo neste dia e idade. Isso me deixa quase triste em dizer, mas é um fato para que eles obtenham pontos de bônus por isso. Their innovative platform can also be considered an extra feature as are the many tournaments for trading that they offer. Keep in mind that these Tournaments are subject to Terms and Conditions, just like any competition, anywhere around the world.

Trading Bitcoin With IQ Option.

IQ Option offers a wide basket of cryptocurrencies, maybe the biggest that I’ve seen on a binary options broker. The popular Bitcoin is available, but also Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic Litecoin, Dash, IOTA, Monero, OmiseGo, Zcash and Santiment. To make things more interesting, IQ Option offers the possibility to use x5 leverage for cryptocurrency trading.

As a special feature, when trading cryptos, you will obtain OTN (Open Trading Network) tokens that can be either withdrawn or used to pay off your commission. Each week, IQ Option distributes a pre-arranged number of OTN tokens to all traders who made at least one commission-based crypto trade. The larger your share in the week’s commission volume, the more OTN tokens you will receive.

IQ Option Ratings.

The website is available in 14 languages and that is above average but the platform can be a bit hard to get used to, especially for a new trader; however, I don’t think this will be a big problem because it’s pretty intuitive. Everything else on the website is well structured and easy to find. Os comerciantes dos EUA não são aceitos. Check the terms and conditions for the full list of countries that are not accepted. Demo accounts are available free of charge and without a time limit, as well as mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Número de ativos e prazos de validade 16/20.

They offer more than 500 assets to trade. The expiry times are limited to “Turbo options” (60 sec, 120 sec) and short term (3 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, hourly) with the longest being end of the month. New assets: 12 Cryptocurrencies and nearly 190 FX pairs are added and thousands of Stocks and EFT’s to be added soon.

Commissions, Support and Effective return 17/20.

There are no commissions to use this broker, standard for the industry. There is, however, a dormant account fee after being inactive for 90 days in a row but it’s only an annual fee of 50€ but it won’t be higher than your account balance. The live chat is available at the present time; the supported languages are English, Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, French, Italian, Arabic, Hindi. The effective return for a successful trade goes up to 92%, which is one of the highest in the industry. They don’t offer any refund for Out Of The Money trades.

Deposit, Payment and Bonus 18/20.

The minimum deposit is $10 for a Real account. Withdrawals can be made via Visa, MasterCard, or Maestro, WebMoney, Skrill, Moneybookers and Neteller. Deposits are available through the same methods. The bonus is no longer available due to CySEC new regulations. Withdrawals are processed within 24 hours. Update 2017/09: The broker does not charge any commissions or fees for the above-mentioned withdrawal methods except for wire transfer.

As I mentioned before, their platform is an extra on its own because it is unique. Just a basic form of technical analysis can be conducted but it’s still much better than what others have to offer and there are 12 of the most popular indicators to use as well. The Tournaments (Terms and Conditions apply) are another nice extra as they allow for lots of extra income, for the best traders of course. Lacking some features most major platforms includes. New added extras are Cryptocurrency trading, FX and CFD trading. Upcoming assets are ETF and Stocks.

IQ Option Overall Ratings + Regulated (+3) = 90/100.

**Accepted Countries by IQ Options Europe ltd: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom.

Their trading platform is new and exciting.

Trading Competitions With Big Prizes.

With their minimum trading amount at $1, they make it easy for beginner traders to start trading.

Some Experimentation is required before one becomes familiar with the trading platform.

I opened a free account to try them out. It was pretty good so i decided to open a real money account and deposite a small amount to give it ago. I did a few trades then loged off. When I tried logging back in later on during the day it wouldent let me. The log in button just keeps saying “sending” I have also tried sending a ticket which does not seem to work and have posted in their FB page I still can not log into my account. Something is def not right about this.

Please, use the latest version of Chrome Browser: google/chrome/browser/desktop/index. html.

Also, please, clear cache and cookies: support. google/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE. Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en.

If it doesn’t help, please, call our hotline. You can finds the number here: iqoption/en/contacts.

They wont let you trade multiple consecutive candles and martingale, when you are raised trade amount and want to take like a third consecutive candle then you will get different errors like “There is no available option at this time” and “Purchase error, price has changed..”. and you will just lose because you can’t recover your loss cause error comes up.

Please, make sure you are using a stable internet connection. That can be the reason why you are seeing such errors.

IQ Option Support Team.

Wait so the more I put in, the more bonus I get means I cant withdraw my money until I’ve made 25x the bonus? Isto está certo? If so, that’s some B. S.

Don’t take a bonus.

Hello Bruce! The bonus program is closed now.

IQ Option Support Team.

There are options that they give for you to either choose whether you want to accept the bonus or not, maybe you rushed yourself and accepted the bonus so it is not IQ Options fault, understand to offer first before rushing into accepting and later regretting, it is yourself to blame, don’t think that you will make thousand in an instant.

i was trading with them since December, no problems with withdrawals.

They seem alright. Useless for turbo trades though, at least for me, as there is around a .5-1.5 second delay for most transactions to process. Even their terms and conditions say it could take 4 seconds to process. Não é bom.

Wow for me best broker ever seen demo account totally free u can practice practice practice u can renew demo that is the biggest advantage with IQ OPTIONS I love this broker so much I founded my account with 100 usd. I’m fit ready to make profit. When I was using demo account I learned many strategies I believe evryweek I will double my account balance . IQ OPTIONS is regulated trust me if u want binaryoptions broker IQ OPTIONS Is the best broker for you.

Eles são excelentes. I have been using them for 5 months. The execution times, charting software that comes free, the demo account also free, the personal manager you get once VIP, the high returns on investments, the mobile software, the ability to sell a trade before the expiry both ITM and OTM, the fast withdrawal times. Everything is great and I have no complaints. The only thing I would say is it would be nice to have higher trade size limits for those who want to risk more and a choice of expiry times from the moment a trade has been executed rather than set expiry times. 10/10!

I think every broker has its advantages and disadvantages. I feel that IQ Option do pretty well out outweighs the negatives. So far I wouldn’t call it “profit” as I’m still learning but I have been able to make £500+ in a day from £40 and all withdrawals take 2-4 working days. I would highly recommend IQ Option :)

I had a very bad experience with iqoptions: the 08.02.2016 in the morning I repeatedly pointed to ‘support the continued loss of connection with the server, asking if I should suspend my transactions expecting that things will fix, but I was told not to worry and to continue well with the ‘activities as the problem was transient and already solved (I state that I had other forex platforms active and therefore my home connection was fine). A few minutes after my last call to ‘support, at 12:30 pm I get a signal from my strategy and within a market with a 4 levels of Martingale System … And here !! I click to enter the market with the fourth level (which later went to the gain), and the connection jumps, and resets only several minutes later by which time the price was too far away, leaving me with a very big loss and a ‘still greater anger. .. Phone to ‘support and they answer me that “these things happen” and that there can not do anything … I have always agreed to cover the loss derived from my mistakes, and the fact that they are not at all keen to remedy a problem born of inefficiencies solely attributable to them is absolutely reprehensible, and it is a sign of disrespect for the customers and the absolute lack of professionalism !! Many brokers are serious in forex, futures or in the spread trading, reimburse or at least take upon themselves a percentage of the damage that their technical problems have caused! Who wants to use this broker reflects the fact that such a thing can happen to anyone! Totally unprofessional!

Hello Pietro! Are you sure that you are using a stable Internet connection?

You should consider getting a fast internet connection. Preferably 4G.

Hello Pietro! Lamentamos ouvir isso. We compensate fudns to traders if they lost some amount because of a technical problem from our side. Please, switch to demo balance and try to take video of the issue. After that, please, send the video to supportiqoption. Our specialists will check it and help you to resolve the issue.

IQ Option Support Team.

With deposits as low as 10 dollars and 1 dollar buy options, it’s worth the try to rack up some money, withdraw and wait. Worst case scenario, you lost 10 dollars.

You say “Support is little iffy, there’s no Live chat”.

Quite incorrect. Please fix the review accordingly.

It would also nice to see the latest comments on a piece like this at the top, not buried under years worth of potentially outdated stuff.

Hello Janos! Live chat is available for evry trader, who deposited funds to IQ Option.

Technically this good for me, working still best so far me as my demo acct. users but in real money is not ok because they wont let me in im from canada and hope that they let canadian.

Edie, at the moment we don’t work Canada. Thanks for the interest in our platform!

I have used IQ Options for almost a year now. No problem with withdrawals or customer service.

some people don’t seem to realise that all the hassle you get from withdrawing and proving/providing details of yourself is down to money laundering laws and actually apply to all binary brokers. When you make a deposit you can only withdraw up to the deposit amount back onto your card used then you have to make your withdrawals via a merchant that is tied to their account. I use skrill but there are others.

With regards to their low returns, they change throughout the day depending on what time it is. EUR/USD is 82%/86% during the day but drops to 60%/40% during the night (UK time)

Sometime the platform can be a little slow to respond and you do need a good internet connection but I have also had this problem with Banc De Binary.

I sometimes wonder if some of the bad press that ALL binary brokers get is down to no more than someone being a poor loser or not reading the terms and conditions as in the bonus before depositing money.

If you have any fear about any broker there is nothing wrong in just depositing the minimum amount and see how you get on. Don’t start with a large deposit until you are sure about who you are doing business with and feel comfortable with.

I withdrew $150 to my ewallet at 21h00 and by the next day it still had not left my Ballance so I traded with it and lost. There deposit system has a huge glitch one moment your into a surplus and the next moment your bank account will be in a minus even if you don’t have a overdraft don’t know how they manage to pass the bank. There services are all about getting a person to trade and sometimes the best thing to do is to sit back and just learn and take it step by step. Regarding there tournaments they make you VIP when you’ve traded a certain amount and tell you they can only enter you into tournaments that cost above $10 but there are almost none maybe one a month so what they do is enter you into the $5 tournaments to luar you in to be part of that aggressive trading system. I’m suppose to have had $150 in my ewallet and had a good Christmas now I’m sitting with a overdrawn account and will be struggling for months to come. Obrigado.

A binary options account cannot be “overdrawn”. You can only lose as much as you had deposited so please don’t spread misinformation.

When it comes to your losses, you lost the money trading and probably had a lack of knowledge. I agree that the money you withdrew should have been removed from your account but you are also responsible for your own money and should have not gambled with money that you yourself considered withdrawn money. It doesn’t make much sense that you would withdraw all your funds and still keep trading!

Thanks for my second withdraw transaction. it is very nice websit ever.

Trying to withdraw from IQ, i can tell you that their 3 business days is a lot of bull, they have just informed me that it will take weeks to withdraw due to a verification process which they will not state what exactly it is they are verifying. also they cannot confirm how long “weeks” is. They claim this only happens for the first withdrawal but i cant really trust them now.

All brokers need to verify your account according to AML policies. It is also mentioned in their terms and conditions. Your account must be verified and they usually require proof of residence (a utility bill for example) and back and front of your ID (not all the numbers, you can cover the CV code and some of the numbers on the front).

Olá! To withdraw your profit, you need to verify your account. After you send correct docs to us, our specialists will check them and process your request.

IQ Option Support Team.

I am trading with IQOption for 6 months and I never had any problems – even not with withdrawals (4 withdrawals; $3900 total)

Iq option is crazy, at first I didn’t believe it, and then I tried to deposit $1000, in half hour my m money raise to $2000. I got stable income everyday around $500-$1000.

Just control your emotion, play safe, money management is the most important too. After you got a decent win, stop! And continue next day. Don’t be greedy, at first time I tried, I lost $2000 in minutes, because I can’t control my emotion.

kris, how about the withdrawal in IQ? were you able to wthdraw your profit?

If you make a deposit from the card, you will be able to withdraw initial deposit amount back to the card, as it is processed as a refund. Your profit should be withdrawn to an e-wallet (Skrill, Neteller, Webmoney) or via bank transfer.

In case you use an e-wallet to deposit, you will need to withdraw to the same e-wallet account only.

IQ Option Support Team.

Im indian can i trade ur iq option.

I had very bad experience with iq option. Whether you’re making or losing money you will notice multiple unauthorized fund withdraws from your bank account even if you are not trading. I had 6 unauthorized funds withdraw within one single day even though I was not trading on that particular day. When contacted them they just said they will refer the matter to my personal manager. But so far, no one has contacted me with regards to this matter. In all, they have withdraw $3,000.00 from my account. So be very careful.

Hello Henry! Pleaase, check your bank statement and see.

wheather funds were deducted from your bank account at the.

day you deposited them to IQ Option. If not, please, sum up all the.

deductions and compare.

the amount with the.

the amount of funds you deposited before.

I have just received my $10,000 withdrawal I swear. IQ Option is the best company in the World. We love IQ option! & lt; 3.

$10.000 withdrawal! :D LOL.

I joined a few days ago, tried the online demo, was happy that in the end after refreshing the play money, i managed to double the play money to $2200, i am trying to get id, know they have give me 3 days to produce id, which i have to update before give to them, this will take a few weeks. according to their rules they will block account. Does not say that on site. However i have sent them a ticket to support and waiting for reply.

Please, contact our Support Team when you receive your ID card.

Our specialists will help you to unblock the account.

IQ Option Support Team.

hello, my name is ashraf hussein from egypt , i have joined iq option at 03/2016 , i deposited about 2500$ and lost all of them , im not a begginer sorry for weak english , every deposit i made i lose at the same day every deposit all strategies down down down , when a strategy works and i make some profits , i lose all profits in minutes , this way till i lost all my money with iq option , i will not say they are scam , i will not say they are not professional , but all i ask them for is to respect a trader who is completely loyal to them , 2 years now and never thought to another company , they made me think that they consider me like a shit just a shit , we taken your money then go away , even my account manager is completely not fair to me , he treats me like a kid , a trader deposited 2500$ deserves at the very least to be respected , iq option be fair be fair be fair .

We are sorry you are not satisfied with our services.

Please, send a complaint about work of your account manager to supportiqoption.

We will make sure, your manager is providing excellent service.

IQ Option Support Team.

First I tried the demo with the fake money they provide. Everything was working perfectly fine and the client and trades were very response and fast. Then as soon as I switched to using real money almost all trades started having very significant delays that would cause me to have more losses than I should have had. Also, running two clients side by side from two different ip addresses showed very different charts between them.

We have reliable quotes providers, you can always check quotes here: iqoption/en/historical-financial-quotes.

The delays might be caused by issues with an Internet connection.

Please, contact our Support Team here: iqoption/en/contacts. Our specialists will help you to check the Internet connection.

IQ Option Support Team.

Demo account is working really great and I earned a lot… But based on the above comments, I’m afraid of making a real account coz maybe it’s a scam… Is it just like a gambling? . Call or Put, it’s just like yes or no. choosing one from two options… and offering great income.. It’s a great extra and instant income as well.. But is there any proof or anyone who can really prove that it is legit…

You can see the best IQ Option traders on our leaderboard.

Also, you might get interested in our educational section eu. iqoption/en/tutorials.

Estes são vídeos muito úteis e recomendamos observá-los com atenção porque eles não apenas explicam a forma como o comércio é feito na plataforma, mas também descrevem as ferramentas e estratégias de análise técnica baseadas neles.

IQ Option Support Team.

is iq option acceptable in India?

Trading isn’t prohibited by the Indian legislation (including THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE MANAGEMENT ACT of 1999).

Moreover, Indian regulators can’t regulate companies, which aren’t based in India as trading operations take place outside India.

As far as it’s known, international companies have never been banned in India. Thus, there is no law violation in your trading with us.

i have deposit many times and withdraw many times, But when i have made 2900 euro with 600 euro, Then suddently I need to verificate my accound. What a bullshit. I have verificate and withdraw a lot of times small ammounts,

Why i decide to withdraw was becouse of they do everything to let you loose. When i am earning big, i cant close forex trade, When the price moves far away from my positife trade and ending in lossing trade 611 eyuro! they wil conect my to broker, then i have only 1 choice to close, becouse i wil loss erverythingm, if i dont close, i have every day every hour a lot of bulshit problems, disconecting problems, and other realy strange problems,

Then i decide to withdrwaw, then i get message you need to verificate your accound! WHTEFCK. I have withdrw often and now this problmen. when i loss everything Everything is back to normal.

i agree with you totally ..

my account was normal as long as i, m losing.

when i start winning .. the account was fine till the moment the profit exceeds my deposit .. they start to manipulate my account .. totally control their program delaying orders .. lowering the profit rate too much for example from 85% to 35 % .. the withdrawals take 3 weeks to skrill .. i was surprised .. they do not have to do this ..already taking your commissions ..i, m preparing a complain to their regulator with screenshots and videos that i, ve taken although i think they will do nothing ..

These binary options mobile app always come with a new name and go and hide, once they collected millions of dollars from peoples, and just ran out from the market. They invest thousand of dollars in marketing and once they gain popularity online , they scam with different techniques , like some errors in account , payment doesn’t approve. There are many other cheating techniques they apply .. And once their scam is revealed or many people start bad reviews, they collect money and ran out .

I want to reassure you that we are a well-known and reputable broker providing services in more than 170 countries all over the world. We have reliable providers of quotes .

We don’t use any cheating techniques.

Recently binary options apps have been removed from the Apple Store, that’s why they banned our mobile app for iOS but you could trade from the web version/ desktop/ Android app. After that we created new app IQ Option Broker without binary options, so our traders could continue using iOS app.

If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact our support.

i opened an account 3 weeks ago together with a few friends. After making some profit iqoption closed my crypto currency CFD trading menu. However, my other friend still has this option to trade. at times, purchase / sell order failed to go through.

Unfortunately, at the moment Crypto assets for CFD instrument are not available for trading on the platform. The decision was made due to the fact that currently there is lack of liquidity for crypto assets. You can close your open positions anytime you want.

So technically it is impossible to open new positions, your friend had opened ones.

We apologise for any inconvenience this might have caused.

The commission is extremity high when we are talking about Crypt .. 10 % and on top of that the Buying and selling price is 10-12% difference from the Market … Any Thought ?

The commission on Crypto is 10% right now.

However, it is lower sometimes. For example, last week it was 3.9%.

Also, traders were receiving OTN Tokens for the commission paid for several months.

Regarding the spread, it depends on the market situation. If you find it too high, you may switch to another asset. The spread for it can be lower.

Anyways, thanks a lot for your comment! We will take it into consideration.

IQ Option Support Team.

My question is on your platform can one make a long term investment in cryptos? I am interested in one of the cryptos found on your platform. However l do not intend to sell and buy on a daily basis but would rather prefer making a consideration after some time.

Yes, you can make a long-term investment on Crypto.

The position will be closed automatically only if your profit percentage is less than -95%.

IQ Option Support Team.

Hi, can anyone pls enlighten me..

Its says on the policy, withdrawals are available to same card used and same deposit?

What if you gain more and wants withdrawal via same card?

If you make a deposit from the card, you will be able to withdraw initial deposit amount back to the card, as it is processed as a refund. Your profit should be withdrawn to an e-wallet (Skrill, Neteller, Webmoney) or via bank transfer.

In case you use an e-wallet to deposit, you will need to withdraw to the same e-wallet account only.

IQ Option Support Team.

%10 Commission is too high. İ didnt see in other Trading app. Maximum Commission is %0.05 in other app.

Where did you see %0.05?

All platforms i know charges %10.

The commission can be lower.

Last week it was 3.9%

Anyway, thanks for the comment, we will take it into consideration!

IQ Option Support Team.

Hello Sir, the administrative.

I am citizen of Bhutan, a small himalayan country located in between India and China. I am interested in your money making application and website IQ option. But since I being from a not widely known country, brings me a doubt in my mind that will it work in here. I mean will I be able to do the Pay and Call, and make some decent money and also first of all do registration. And withdraw as well.

Would be greatfull if sir could clear my doubt as for this.

Yes, we provide our services in Bhutan. You can deposit, trade and withdraw funds from IQ Option!

IQ Option Support Team.

They charge 10% fee for entering the market – that’s a rip off!

Then they have huge spreads, much greater than in the other platforms – that’s another 10% I think.

They make problems with withdrawals to bank accounts, terrible.

The commission can be lower than 10%.

For example, last week it was 3.9%.

Spreads depend on the market situation and may vary dramatically.

If you think that a spread is too high, please, try to switch to another asset. It may be lower.

You can withdraw funds without any issues.

There is no fee for withdrawals to cards and e-wallets.

The fee for a wire transfer is $53.

IQ Option Support Team.

Best Binary Broker.. I dont have a problem with the withdrawal..

Support is good too.. they help me everytime I chat them..

For my rating 4/5.

Sometimes it has a delay on the trade execution..

Thats the ony issue i’ve encountered..

So far the platform is good.

Obrigado pelas suas amáveis ​​palavras!

Please, contact our Support Team: iqoption/en/contacts.

Our specialists will help you to check your Internet connection.

An unstable Internet connection may cause delays.

IQ Option Support Team.

Just would like to know if it is legal from Oman and from UAE (anyone experienced it?) and furthermore the maximum allowed withdrawal.

Yes, we provide our services in Oman and UAE. É legal. You can deposit, trade and withdraw funds from IQ Option without any issues. The maximum withdrawal is $1 000 000 per day.

IQ Option Support Team.

Permita-nos 24 a 72 horas para rever o seu comentário.

Reservamo-nos o direito de decidir qual comentário será publicado.

Para perguntas sobre corretores - use nossos fóruns.

Para reclamações detalhadas - Use o nosso sistema de queixas na página inicial.

Revisão da opção IQ.



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I.), Duke Energy, Dun & Bradstreet, E*Trade, EOG Resources, EQT Corporation, Eastman Chemical, Eaton Corporation, Ecolab Inc., Edison International, Edwards Lifesciences, Electronic Arts, Emerson Electric Company, Endo International, Entergy Corp., Equifax Inc., Equinix, Equity Residential, Essex Property Trust Inc, Estee Lauder Cos., Eversource Energy, Exelon Corp., Expedia Inc., Expeditors International, Express Scripts, Extra Space Storage, Exxon Mobil Corp., F5 Networks, FLIR Systems, FMC Corporation, FMC Technologies Inc., Facebook, Fastenal Co, FedEx Corporation, Federal Realty Investment Trust, Fidelity National Information Services, Fifth Third Bancorp, First Solar Inc, FirstEnergy Corp, Fiserv Inc, Flowserve Corporation, Fluor Corp., Foot Locker Inc, Ford Motor, Fortive Corp, Fortune Brands Home & Security, Franklin Resources, Freeport-McMoran Cp & Gld, Frontier Communications, Gap Inc., Garmin Ltd., General Dynamics, General Electric, General Growth Properties Inc., General Mills, General Motors, Genuine Parts, Gilead Sciences, Global Payments Inc, Goldman Sachs Group, Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Grainger (W. W.) Inc., HCA Holdings, HCP Inc., HP Inc., Halliburton Co., Hanesbrands Inc, Harley-Davidson, Harman Int'l Industries, Harris Corporation, Hartford Financial Svc. Gp., Hasbro Inc., Helmerich & Payne, Henry Schein, Hess Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hologic, Home Depot, Honeywell Int'l Inc., Hormel Foods Corp., Host Hotels & Resorts, Humana Inc., Huntington Bancshares, Illinois Tool Works, Illumina Inc, Ingersoll-Rand PLC, Intel Corp., Intercontinental Exchange, International Bus. Machines, International Paper, Interpublic Group, Intl Flavors & Fragrances, Intuit Inc., Intuitive Surgical Inc., Invesco Ltd., Iron Mountain Incorporated, J. B. 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V., NASDAQ OMX Group, NRG Energy, National Oilwell Varco Inc., Navient, NetApp, Netflix Inc., Newell Rubbermaid Co., Newfield Exploration Co, Newmont Mining Corp. (Hldg. Co.), News Corp. Class A, News Corp. Class B, NextEra Energy, NiSource Inc., Nielsen Holdings, Nike, Noble Energy Inc, Nordstrom, Norfolk Southern Corp., Northern Trust Corp., Northrop Grumman Corp., Nucor Corp., Nvidia Corporation, O'Reilly Automotive, ONEOK, Occidental Petroleum, Omnicom Group, Oracle Corp., Owens-Illinois Inc, PACCAR Inc., PG&E Corp., PNC Financial Services, PPG Industries, PPL Corp., PVH Corp., Parker-Hannifin, Patterson Companies, PayPal, Paychex Inc., Pentair Ltd., People's United Financial, PepsiCo Inc., PerkinElmer, Perrigo, Pfizer Inc., Philip Morris International, Phillips 66, Pinnacle West Capital, Pioneer Natural Resources, Pitney-Bowes, Polo Ralph Lauren Corp., Praxair Inc., Priceline Inc, Principal Financial Group, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Corp., Prologis, Prudential Financial, Public Service Enterprise Inc., Public Storage, Pulte Homes Inc., QUALCOMM Inc., Qorvo, Quanta Services Inc., Quest Diagnostics, Range Resources Corp., Raytheon Co., Realty Income Corporation, Red Hat Inc., Regeneron, Regions Financial Corp., Republic Services Inc, Reynolds American Inc., Robert Half International, Rockwell Automation Inc., Rockwell Collins, Roper Industries, Ross Stores, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd, Ryder System, S&P Global, Inc., SCANA Corp, SL Green Realty, Salesforce, Schlumberger Ltd., Scripps Networks Interactive Inc., Seagate Technology, Sealed Air Corp.(New), Sempra Energy, Sherwin-Williams, Signet Jewelers, Simon Property Group Inc, Skyworks Solutions, Smucker (J. M.), Snap-On Inc., Southern Co., Southwest Airlines, Southwestern Energy, Spectra Energy Corp., St Jude Medical, Stanley Black & Decker, Staples Inc., Starbucks Corp., State Street Corp., Stericycle Inc, Stryker Corp., SunTrust Banks, Symantec Corp., Synchrony Financial, Sysco Corp., T. Rowe Price Group, TE Connectivity Ltd., TJX Companies Inc., Target Corp., Tegna, Teradata Corp., Tesoro Petroleum Co., Texas Instruments, Textron Inc., The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., The Clorox Company, The Coca Cola Company, The Hershey Company, The Mosaic Company, The Travelers Companies Inc., The Walt Disney Company, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tiffany & Co., Time Warner Inc., Torchmark Corp., Total System Services, Tractor Supply Company, TransDigm Group, Transocean, TripAdvisor, Twenty-First Century Fox Class A, Twenty-First Century Fox Class B, Tyco International, Tyson Foods, U. S. Bancorp, UDR Inc, Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance Inc, Under Armour, Union Pacific, United Continental Holdings, United Health Group Inc., United Parcel Service, United Rentals, Inc., United Technologies, Universal Health Services, Inc., Unum Group, Urban Outfitters, V. F. Corp., Valero Energy, Varian Medical Systems, Ventas Inc, Verisign Inc., Verisk Analytics, Verizon Communications, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc, Viacom Inc., Visa Inc., Vornado Realty Trust, Vulcan Materials, Wal-Mart Stores, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Waste Management Inc., Waters Corporation, Wells Fargo, Welltower Inc., Western Digital, Western Union Co, Westrock Co, Weyerhaeuser Corp., Whirlpool Corp., Whole Foods Market, Williams Cos., Willis Towers Watson, Wisconsin Energy Corporation, Wyndham Worldwide, Wynn Resorts Ltd, XL Capital, Xcel Energy Inc, Xerox Corp., Xilinx Inc, Xylem Inc., Yahoo Inc., Yum! Brands Inc, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Zions Bancorp, Zoetis, eBay Inc.

Bitcoin (BTC), IOTA, Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP)

Most Innovative Binary Option Broker 2013 from ShowFx World (Moscow) Fastest Growing Binary Options Brand in Europe 2015 from Global Brands Magazine Best Binary Options Broker in Europe 2015 from Global Banking & Finance Review Most Innovative Binary Options Platform and Best Mobile Trading Platform in Binary Options 2015 from International Finance Magazine.

IQ Option is an established broker that specializes in binary options and classic (vanilla) options trading. Their website is available in 13 languages and is accessible globally. The site is operated by IQ Option Europe Ltd company based in Nicosia, Cyprus. The website offers something of a “no frills” approach to binary options trading, which may be simply because it is relatively new. The trading platform is proprietary and a little hard to grasp at first, but it is one of the most advanced trading terminals in the binary industry and it has some interesting features for controlling your investment amount. IQ Option also offers a fully functional demo account. The company itself is regulated in Cyprus by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Getting Started with a Demo Account or a Real Account.

Você pode se inscrever em menos de um minuto e começar imediatamente na opção IQ. One of the best things about this broker is that they offer a demo account which you can use indefinitely. There are no limitations as far as time goes, and you do not even need to make a deposit to use the demo account. This is a wonderful feature. It is also really uncomplicated to access; you do not need to get in touch with customer service or anything. You will find the link to open a demo account at the top of the page right next to the link for opening a real account.

At any time, you can choose to deposit funds through one of the numerous deposit methods which the site offers. You can open an account in US dollar, Russian ruble, euro, Great Britain pound, Brazilian real, Malaysian ringgit, and Indonesian rupiah, and the minimum deposit size is $10 or equivalent in other currencies. Along with credit and debit card, the site offers a variety of e-wallets and online payment services, most of which are Russian. No withdrawal fees are posted, and neither are any minimum withdrawal thresholds. One of the advantages of the IQ Option deposit system is that it allows you to save your favorite payment method and then use it in a one-click mode. This significantly simplifies the funds deposit process.

Conta VIP.

You can open a real account with as little as $10. This is amazing for traders with small bankrolls or those who want to practice live trading with real money without risking much. There are some great benefits that go with this type of account. But what really is impressive is the VIP account.

You can qualify for the VIP account just by depositing $3,000 or the equivalent in another currency. You can participate in trading competitions, you are given a personal manager, and you also can enjoy monthly analysis of your trading by qualified experts on the IQ Option Team.

In addition to that, VIP account holders enjoy increased rewards on binary options in a range of trading assets.

A Plataforma de Negociação.

IQ Option updated their trading platform in 2015, and let me say, the updated platform is very impressive to see. Forget about your boring white label SpotOption interface. This one-of-a-kind interface displays beautifully with a high contrast graph on a dark screen. The chart updates live, and the bright glowing green dot immediately grabs your attention with its pulsing movement. If you hover your mouse over “Call” or “Put,” an arrow appears pointing in the direction that you are saying that price will move. For a trader who learns visually, this is a wonderful feature to provide clarity and focus.

You can select your trade amount in the top right. If you want, you can trade as little as $1. This is wonderful flexibility for traders with small accounts! On the left, you will see your open and closed positions. You can also look through assets, top performing traders (for copy trading), signals and news. This is very convenient! Don’t like the black background? Change it to white by clicking on the moon-shaped icon at the top of the page.

The platform is supported in several versions, making IQ Option accessible to traders with nearly any device:

It is an interesting platform, and there are 73 different assets to trade. There is a shortage of some traditional trading tools, but there is a great feature for analysis – historical prices for assets going back to 2013. The historical quotes can be adjusted using a custom time zone and are available down to seconds.

Offered education is minimal; there are how-to pages, FAQ, glossary, some newbie’s articles, and financial news.

The range of trading instruments (assets) is astonishing. It includes hundreds of stocks and also currencies, commodities, indices, and even cryptocurrencies.


Earlier, IQ Option organized a series of binary trading tournaments with prize funds from several thousand dollars to as much as $100,000. The tournaments lasted from one day to several weeks and offered an opportunity for the top binary options traders to earn additional cash based on their trading skills and luck. The tournaments were held using virtual funds (usually, $100) but there was a small entry fee ranging from $1 to $100. Some tournaments allowed re-entry after failure after paying additional fee. Most tournaments added up a part of the entrants’ fees to the prize pool, increasing the winning bonus for the top scoring traders. There were multiple tournaments held simultaneously or awaiting traders in preparation stage.

The IQ Option tournaments have been discontinued on November 1, 2017, due to regulatory rules imposed by CySEC.

* Tournaments are subject to Terms & Condições.

Classic (Vanilla) Options.

In addition to binary options, IQ Option offers classic options – American style Calls and Puts on 500 assets traded during the US trading session. Traders can buy the classic options at varying strike levels and varying expiry time. IQ Option lets traders sell their options before expire similarly to early close facility in binary options. However, there is no way to short-sell (write) a classic option with the broker due to potentially unlimited risk of such action.

Trading in classic options opens a lot of opportunities to savvy traders as there are many interesting combinations of binary and vanilla option contracts.

Geographic Presence.

IQ Option is a truly international binary broker. From 2016 on, they offer their trading services in 178 countries:

Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, etc.


After a period of establishing as a rather popular online trading company, there is now a lot of information available about this company and their services. They are no longer new, which means that there is plenty of reviews posted about them in the Web. At the same time, IQ Option strives to be transparent and informative about its business. Their website is not difficult to navigate and you can get answers to most of your questions just by reading through the material. Customer service is available via email, web form, Skype, phone, or paper mail. Their support team is truly multilingual, providing help in 13 languages: English, Russian, Turkish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, French, Italian, Arabic, and Indonesian. However, nobody was on Skype when I checked during business hours on a weekday, which was disappointing.


This broker is a real mix of pros and cons. The flexible minimum trade size can make this a great choice for a small account holder who wants to conserve money and trade wisely. The fully functional, unlimited demo account is excellent. You can practice here as long as you need to and also learn your way around the unique interface without risking a penny. This proprietary trading platform and the control you are given over your payout and risk percentages is also very interesting. The company only offers short-term trades, few trading tools, and otherwise is quite limited on features, however, which are all substantial drawbacks.

IQ Option goes in the category of binary options which are definitely worth checking in with regularly as they look to be rapidly developing new features. They were off to a good start and has already proven to excel in the binary options field. At the same time there is still much of what they could do in the future. Hopefully they will decide to offer more types of options to trade, longer-term options and other tools, and improved access to customer service.

You can read our interview with the representative of IQ Option, which we have done in November 2014.

IQ Option , 5.0 out of 10 based on 37 ratings.


96 Traders' Reviews.

Hi, I want open account in IQOPTION, I writte 6 e-mails and not send never request for me.

Please, do you can contact with IQOPTION and we request my´s mails.

I am a good small trader and I can make good business.

For me, the iqoptions is the best of the best site of binary options.

The prices are just for buy or sell.

between any sites, i see that this is very good.

IQ Option’s support is shocking! I’m still waiting for a reply on some questions i have.

Did they get back to you eventually? I have been waiting a few days also??

Eu opero nessa corretora já fazem 2 meses e sempre reinvestindo e cada vez q reinvisto consigo ganhar mais ainda, não encontrei até agora uma melhor que ela, pela agilidade das operações e o tempo pra expirar é impressionante! tem a dificuldade de pagamento mas é por conta que muitas pessoas tem preguissa de fazer as contas nos processadores de pagamento.

Tu já teve saques pagos por esta corretora? Em qual processador?

sim, pelo webmoney entao transfiro para o meu cartao da payonner e saco em qualquer agencia 24h.

me mostra seu comprovante?

Sim qual seu email?

Quantos dias em média leva até transferir o saque para webmoney?

Have anyone had a problem withdrawing money?

Ja het is oppassen als het om geld gaat opnemen doen ze moeielijk ja geld storten gaat snel maar uitbetalen kan je vergeten wilde opnemen kreeg de melding no monny heb contact gemaakt kreeg geen duidelijk antwoord en je moet voorzichtig zijn met bonus ontvang je bonus van 100,- dan moet je 1500,- inzetten voor je kan opnemen.


Yes I’m trying to withdrawal but there system does not work so I sent the proper info from my bank to do a wire transfer and they still will not do that.

Has anyone got or had success with this system. There is another one I tried and found it to be totally fraudulent, changing winnings after time expired (optionprime). So just checking to see if this one is honest or not.

Has anyone been successful in withdrawing money from their accounts?

I already succeeded withdrawal at iq option…whatsapps me +60194162416..i will show you my successful withdrawal..

I just WhatsApp you to verify your experience on your successful withdrawal with IQOPTION broker.

To me any broker can give bells & whistles if cannot withdraw or have issues with withdrawals then not worth considering.

show me how do you do..

me too , i want to withdraw . but I can’t.

sim é muito rápido eficiente quem quiser ver o comprovante me add no skype: ozzeiass.

Me explica aí como.

Se faz por favor pra fazer a retirada .

Porque eu já tentei faEr pra minha conta mas pede o número do cartão . E quando eu fiz me fala qe foi retirado, mas o dinheiro continua lá pra eu poder usar.

i want to deposit but m hesitating because I haven’t heard any mentioning he withdrew succesfully.

could anyone tell me if there are any fees for opening or holding a account?

Svetlana Ahmetshina please google her. She is a scam runni g and controlling this platform. Do not deposit your money you have been warned.

i already click the activation link in my email but still cannot access to my demo account, i’ve send email to the support team last week but nothing i get from them, can someone help me?

Hi guys, does anyone know What do i Have to do if i Want to withdrawal money back into my account ? Obrigado.

Hi guys, I am using iqoption and requested to withdraw my earnings via bank card amounting to 200usd. i am a small trader. Based on the withdrawal process, the commission is 5 usd but I only receive 50 usd. The balance is not even credited back to my trading acct. Any idea whats going on or you guys face the similar issue before? I have been asking their support team but no response. even their phone numbers published on the website are unresponsive. pls help :(

I find this because and me i have some money for withdrawal and i call they in this numbaer :Tel no. +357 25 825 808.

I just called the office to enquire about withdrawals. I put in £200, and I’m up to £439. I went to withdraw £295 and I recieved an email saying they couldnt proceed and it was cancelled.

THIS IS NOT FRAUD – I spoke to the chap based in their headoffice, he explained that your original deposit needs to go back onto the card you made it from. For example, if you deposited £100 from your debit card, that £100 needs to go back onto the card. If you have any additional funds (because you are up on your trading like myself) then these need to be done via bank wire transfer.

Basically, your deposit amount needs to go back onto the card you made it from and any remaining funds need to be bank wire transferred. This is according to the regulation they adhere to.

I will confirm once the bank wire is successfull. The link above by Kamelia is helpful, the number is genuine and they do have a helpful staff base.

Hi Zee, did you have any success in funds (your profits) being transferred to your bank account.

I am also interested to know if anyone ever succeeds on withdrawing winnings?

zee did the wire transfer end up working?

hi zee did you get your withdrawals?

I am also interested to know if anyone ever succeeds on withdrawing winnings?

From what im reading here , this platform is not worth considering….i smell scam here , sorry IQ YOU WILL NEVER SMELL MY MONEYYYYYY!

I deposited funds and made successful winnings. However, after requesting withdrawals, the system acknowledges withdrawal request but it does not debit your account.

The support department takes weeks if not close close to a month to reply and let you know that you since you deposited with neteller, they have no withdrawal option for neteller so case closed. Payment is a one way traffic.

I don’t think IQ option accept US residents.

Is this company really exist or fake? They don’t pick calls or even reply e mail or web support. If anyone have reliable email address or contact number pls share.

What’s there bonus trading and withdrawal criteria?

I gave you money. lay your money account. I can not access my account after the last paid. why is this happening?

I deposited 100$ from my credit card… but they did not credit it into my account… several emails to them but no answer… SEVERAL CALLS to them but no answer..

Con frecuencia veia publicidad de opciones binarias, y en particular de IQ. Empece con una cuenta.

demo, lei las guias, hice la prueba con 1000 dolares virtuales… Ahora solo me quedan 700… Algo no salio.

bien. Por ahora en forma real no me convence.

Me gustaria saber algo sobre el nivel teorico de ingresos y gastos, ademas del importe para una.

persona sin experiencia. Solo he estado hojeando algunas guias en la seccion de formacion y estrategias.

Supongo que al principio solo habra perdidas, pero ya algo de ganancia despues del segundo o tercer.

Por eso es que lo he hecho asi, pues en general soy bastante cauteloso con este tipo de cosas como.

intercambios y demas. El hecho de que la cantidad de deposito y retiro sea minima, me genero.

confianza desde el principio. Aunque pierdas, pues no sera mucho. Siempre me he retirado al lograr.

acumular lo minimo y asi una y otra vez hasta que este satisfecho.

Pues no le veo ningun sentido a invertir solo 300…pienso que como minimo se deberian invertir.

1000. Pues con 300 no es que se haga mucho. Aunque claro, depende de quien lo haga.

Estoy de acuerdo, pero yo me referia a que por ser la primera vez es mejor comprobar y asi despues.

decidir. Y claro que es algo tonto pensar en obtener beneficios con lo minimo, asi que solo es para.

probar el terreno.

Incluso en el comercio ideal, cuando es 100% seguro que la curva vaya hacia arriba y en la.

plataforma mt4: investing, Fx-trend, Alpari…

Mientras que en IQ option va para abajo… entonces es aqui cuando te pones a pensar…

Pienso que es una tonteria. Si hubiese sido asi, ya les habrian acusado de fraude. Por cierto, por que no les has acusado. Podrias comprobarlo.

Y para que habria de hacerlo. Lo mas interesante es que un amigo mio esta negociando en los mercados extrabursatiles y alli se las arregla para ganar dinero. Puede que mientras unos esten dedicando su tiempo a aprender, otros ya esten tocando el cielo con un dedo))) Antes pensaba que todo esto no era mas que una estrategia de mercadeo, pero ahora solo tengo una buena opinion y gran relacion con esta compañia.

Quien me podria sacar de una duda… Por que entre mas plazo, hay mejores resultados, al menos en una hora es posible no entrar en el rango?

Porque pierdes menos.

Porque para los brokers es mas dificil falsificar los datos.

I feel sorry for all your loss.

Stop wondering where your money went.

Ask yourself where the owner went.

Whoever made this is a genius.

Sorry for your loss ,

He visto en internet informaciuon muy interesante, pero me parece que no es verdadera, por eso es bueno volver a preguntar :). Hay en IQ algun limite para cobrar? Varias veces he visto que si lo hay.

Cuanto tiempo deberia transcurrir desde el momento de la solicitud del pago y desde el momento en el cambio de estado de pago a “en proceso” hasta el momento de tenerlo en el bolsillo??

La semana pasada el pago vino el 25, y la solicitud fue hecha el 18. Incluso en las cuentas VIP antes de los dias festivos y durante, el deposito tarda mas tiempo.

A los dos dias lo he recibido!

Todo esta claro, aunque en mi caso ha sido diferente, pues los pagos en PayPal del 23 y 24 ya los.

habia recibido el lunes, mientras que los de qiwi y master card seguian “en proceso”. Es la primera vez.

que solicito el pago y puede que justo haya caido en dias de fiesta.

Y los dias festivos solo los mercados extrabursatiles trabajan.

Tiene algun sentido negociar los dias festivos. O como tal no hay ninguna diferencia?

They stole my money, i win a trade and after a minute it says i lost and money its taken away after i won. i contact them and i told them about my situation and they just banned my account with my money.

If you blow your demo account you can’t get another. There is no button to renew, you are directed to open a real account only with discount time limit bribes. A good broker allows unlimited demos. Not as this review states at all. As with all binary option brokers you are not dealing with the real Forex world, you are in the broker’s world and he has all the control. You win he loses and if you lose he wins because he has his own dealing desk and makes his own market. If you make money you will be stopped out, that is why so many complain of withdrawal problems.

just you need to uninstall appliation from your android phone. and clean the phone temporary files. after that reinstall and you can use demo account again. ;)

This has now changed and you can renew the demo account back to £1,000 with the newer version.

does any one know why its not possible to login. I opened the demo account last night just for try and after 6 or 7 trade I went out till now which is not able to login back. I think that was not demo i trade with last night and the reason I can not back in is that they run away with my hard earing money lol!

anyway if any one in there pleas tell them open the door its really cold here out side hehehehe.

si existe un diferencial?

1 star for me represents ZERO. Its a SCAN and bunch of thieves. Withdrawals are just impossible. Its now 21 days card withdrawal that should take 1 day and they are just telling me to wait. Of course they don’t do an actual transfer of funds. Only in the system so that they can pocket your cash. FORGET THEM. Eles também têm o MALWARE que irá seqüestrar seu navegador e pode causar danos ao seu PC. AVOID them at all cost.

I just deposited in my iqoption and I just took bonus as well, now I want to cancel that bonus so how to do that ? (I haven’t trade with that yet. )

IQ’s platform is excellent, a welcome change from the SpotOption generic offering at most brokers (I also like 24Option as well for the quality of their platform). In terms of withdrawals it really is very simple. You make 2 requests. The first must be for a partial withdrawal to the card from which you made the original deposit, and can be for any amount up to the amount deposited via that card. The second request must be fore a bank transfer to an account in your name. Isso é tudo. It takes 3 working days to process (1 day for “VIP” accounts) and can then take up to 4 days to get into your bank account.

As with ALL brokers I always advise you to make an early withdrawal to test the service. If you invest $100 and you grow your account to $250+ I would suggest getting your $100 back out as a test withdrawal and then make regular withdrawals at least monthly so if the worst happens your losses would be minimised. The CYSEC Regulation is kind of “EU-Lite” but CYSEC does need to retain some credibility so it’s much safer than a truly offshore solution.

…..Just wanted to add that I sent a support ticket to IQ asking for clarification about withdrawals at 8:36pm last night and received a response at 7:56 this morning, which seems fair enough, and finally, remember that this is a very dynamic market. It is unlikely that a broker deriving quotes from Reuters is going to manipulate final prices deliberately to turn your winning trade into a loser. If you have these concerns, get a Metatrader demo and have the chart open alongside the Binary platform so you can verify for yourself if there was a last-minute tick in the market that made the difference. Good trades everybody.

For me this site looks very attractive, easy to use but i think is not safe. Too many peoples have problems with the withdraw and no working phone. I create an free account and i made from 1000£ BONUS , over 16.000 in one day , the second day i deposit 180£ . Of course i loose , but is good because i read all the problems with this site and i stop to us it. Now something interesting now is that : In this moment the site is no on line, so if you deposit on this site, you lose the money 99% in my opinion.

IQ OPTION SCAM BROKER. CHECK THE VIDEO. Dont deposit a single money there. You will be robbed.

want more proof email me.

This (IQ OPTION) is fake and frad. the develop the system with automatic if you want to try you can check . I check the web almost 7 day and invest a lots of money. also check it with the real trade market calculation . the chart is ok but when you put money it will show wrong direction and completely different from the real trade market :-) you can try. i can told you never win FROM IQ option because the total system is developed for scam . so careful.

iqoption to blocked my account and retains my money for no reason. I consider that this is theft.

scam when i opened my position at 4minute it become 60sec oh! shit.

when i win one time Im not got that my position win and have no in historytrading inspect oh it happen manytime and have no chat suport no good scam broker.

Deposited £40, 5 days ago, turned it I to £125, requested my in initial £40 deposit be withdrawn to the same card, landed today.

Do not request higher amount than you’re initial deposit until Identification has been confirmed, it will only cause frustration.

Read the faqs and make sure there’s nothing your missing.

Plz 4rnd tell me about withdrawal? Withdraw kese hotj hai or iq option scam tu nahe hai ?

Reading all above mail, seems like a rather hit and miss broker regards withdrawals, communication, time manipulation on trades, etc. There are hundreds of reviews and comments above over a long period of time, of which the majority by far are negative. I was hoping to open a small account for some new programs I want to test, but this will happen with this broker, sadly.

was thinking about depositing on IQ Option but come on here to see what people are saying first. Got in touch with IQ Option through my free account, this is what was said:-

I was thinking of setting up a real money account but was disappointed when read reviews stating it is impossible to withdraw money from your account through your website.

Could you tell me exactly what the procedure would be to do this?

It is not true, so mane people withdraw money every day on our platform.

After a withdrawal request is made, it receives a “Request” status. After the request comes to process, it receives an “In process” status. After receiving an “In process” status, funds get removed from the balance.

Funds will be transferred to the payment system wallet after the request receives the “Complete” status. The time of payment depends on the bank or the e-wallet system(around 1 day for the e-wallets and up to 7-9 days for the banks).

Thank you for contacting IQ Option!

some people are saying theyve waited for over 20 days though.

No, it does not take so much time.

If any delay occurs we try to solve the issue as fast as possible.

You can always inform us in such cases.

Can anybody advise me on this or point me in the direction of a good binary options site.

Try Binary. I am trading with them since early 2000’s (when they were called BetOnMarkets) and had no issue with them. I don’t know about their short-term trading, but long-term bets choice is very nice.

Just went back on to IQ Option to play about with the demo account and they took it off me only option now is to pay for full account, tried contacting customer support again but nobody answering me. Think that speaks for itself.


I struggle to see how they are a scam site, they are in partnership with Aston martin.

I first opened a demo account: I earned 30.000 fake money in a week, starting from 1000.

It was very easy to apply all kind of “winning strategies” with the demo account, and eht (fake) money flowed in as if it was pouring rain.

then I started trading with real money, just 100 euro. Applying the same logic and strategy, I should have earned 3000 in a week, but there was NO WAY to increase the starting amount, until I lost everything.

I tried over and over again with smaller sums, 10, 20, but every single time I lost everything.

I would recommend to stay away from this broker AND from binary options in general.


and that’s it, for your consideration…

I opened an account and deposited $500 which in turn I made $2675. I then tried to withdraw and what a joke. I now get an error message saying trading is not allow from Australia. My balance has also disappeared. I have sent many emails to support without success. I am gutted that they are so dishonest as I work hard for my money. I have now opened an account with another broker.

Perhaps, you have tried contacting them with a wrong email address. The one you provided here does not exist according to GMail. I would gladly help you to contact IQ Option and resolve this issue if you would allow me to.

I will advice you to contact Mrs. Zahra Belabed at (zahrabelabed200gmail) for better understanding because her strategies really helped me withdraw my money that was stuck in my broker account and I even made more huge profits. she is genuine and honest. you can contact her if you discover that your broker is scamming you or having withdrawal problem.

if you’re finding it difficult to withdraw i can help you do it, just contact me via email with kuitgreengmail, +971558927826.

Not the first time IQ option has done it but until today it was just a minimal difference! On MT4 or MT5 the candle is green(up) quiet large where on IQoption you lose the trade because the candle large and red! Ridiculous! Someone should close them down, i definitely won’t using them ever again…

i recommend finding another broker, plus the service when emailing about the funds and money isn’t good enough! constantly emailing back your message has been forwarded to your broker and they will get in touch, never did!

Very annoying because according to mt4 or mt5 you’re right, yet IQ option you’re wrong…

I lost 100 use as well. With drawl still unknown. As I found according to the financial industry regulation, you need to go thru proper compliance not like this on web we can trade it seems. So most of them run without regulatory compliance. So its a fake.

So far, i got no problem trading with iqoption. Just completed my first withdraw and now waiting for the money to transfer into my bank acc. They said it took 7-9 days banking days. Assim. i’m still waiting. and yes my account is verified. Any question hit me up.

so have u gotten your money .

i am already joined iq option, but i cannt open iq option. please give me a iq option sing in / login link.

The login form is right on their homepage.

Poor, harassing for withdrawal, deposited valid documents four times then also denying that I provided the documents. Reason they know better.

Thank GOD deposited only $10.

Deixe uma revisão.


Corretores recomendados.

Novos corretores.

Boletim de Notícias.

O comércio de opções binárias envolve risco. Embora o risco de executar uma opção binária aberta seja fixo para cada comércio individual, é possível perder todo o investimento inicial em um curso de vários negócios ou em um único comércio se o capital inteiro for usado para colocá-lo. Não é recomendável basear as suas decisões de investimento em qualquer informação apresentada ou proveniente de BinaryTrading. Ao navegar neste site, você expressa sua aceitação dos termos deste aviso e que o BinaryTrading não pode ser considerado responsável por quaisquer perdas que possam ocorrer como resultado de sua negociação de opções binárias. O BinaryTrading não é licenciado ou registrado como consultor financeiro ou conselheiro. O BinaryTrading não é um corretor, nem um gerente de fundos. O site não oferece nenhum serviço pago. Todo o conteúdo do BinaryTrading é apresentado somente para fins educacionais ou de entretenimento.

Aviso Geral de Risco: Negociação em Opções Binárias traz um alto nível de risco e pode resultar na perda de seu investimento. Como tal, opções binárias podem não ser apropriadas para você. Você não deve investir dinheiro que não pode perder. Antes de decidir comercializar, você deve considerar cuidadosamente seus objetivos de investimento, nível de experiência e apetite de risco. Em nenhuma circunstância, devemos ter qualquer responsabilidade para qualquer pessoa ou entidade por (a) qualquer perda ou dano total ou parcial causado por, resultando de, ou relacionado a quaisquer transações relacionadas a Opções Binárias ou (b) qualquer direto, indireto, especial , danos consequenciais ou incidentais.


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